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Exam Preview

Implantable Auditory Technologies

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1.  The 2 types of transcutaneous bone conduction solutions are
  1. Active and passive
  2. Ponto and BAHA
  3. BAHA and cochlear implants
  4. All of the above
2.  The primary indication for middle ear implant in the US is
  1. Mixed hearing loss
  2. Conductive hearing loss
  3. Moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss
  4. None of the above
3.  A percutaneous osseointegrated hearing implant system
  1. is a known transcutaneous solution
  2. provides direct bone conduction
  3. dampens the high frequencies through skin transmission
  4. does not require surgery
4.  Which of the following is an indication for an osseointegrated hearing implant system
  1. single sided deafness
  2. mixed hearing loss
  3. conductive hearing loss
  4. all of the above
5.  In an active transcutaneous bone conduction solution
  1. vibrational forces are generated close to the cochlea
  2. vibrational forces are transmitted along an abutment
  3. vibration forces are generated outside the cochlea on the skin
  4. no vibrations are generated anywhere
6.  One of the indications for a cochlear implant is
  1. unilateral conductive hearing loss
  2. bilateral sensorineaural hearing loss
  3. bilateral conductive hearing loss
  4. Bilateral mixed hearing loss
7.  In an auditory brainstem implant, each electrode stimulates a different region of the brainstem. Why?
  1. So that a wide range of sounds can be perceived
  2. To keep the electrode array in place
  3. To prevent the cochlea from responding
  4. None of the above
8.  Which of the following is an indication for auditory brainstem implant?
  1. Total ossification of cochlea
  2. Neurofibromatosis 2
  3. Congenital aplasia
  4. All of the above
9.  Which of the following outcomes is associated with cochlear implants:
  1. Low complication rates
  2. Adults with the shortest duration of deafness experience better outcomes
  3. The younger a child born with congenital hearing loss is implanted, the better the prognosis
  4. All of the above
10.  Which of the following may be true of active transcutaneous bone conduction solutions
  1. It may provide better high frequency amplification than a passive solution
  2. It will provide more amplification than a percutaneous solution
  3. May be cheaper than a percutaneous solution
  4. None of the above

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