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Exam Preview

Cochlear Implantation in Older Adults, presented in partnership with American Cochlear Implant Alliance

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1.  The most lenient FDA indications for an adult to receive a cochlear implant indicate that a patient must score less than or equal to ___ correct on a sentence recognition test in their best aided condition in order to be considered a candidate for a cochlear implant.
  1. 80%
  2. 60%
  3. 40%
  4. 20%
2.  Current Medicare criteria differ from FDA criteria and indicate that patients must score less than or equal to ____ correct in their best aided condition on a sentence recognition test in order to be considered a candidate for a cochlear implant.
  1. 80%
  2. 60%
  3. 40%
  4. 30%
3.  In the ongoing CMS CED study, patients can receive a cochlear implant if they obtain a score that ranges from ___ to ___ correct on a sentence measure in their best aided condition.
  1. 30-50%
  2. 40-60%
  3. 50-70%
  4. 60-80%
4.  Hearing loss in older adults is also associated with
  1. reduced cognitive function
  2. social isolation
  3. depression
  4. all of the above
5.  Which factor below has been found as a differentiating factor when the CI outcomes of younger and older adults have been compared?
  1. Duration of deafness
  2. Age at implant
  3. IQ
  4. Pre-operative unaided hearing in the ear that was implanted
6.  Cochlear implants have been found to improve which of the following in older adults
  1. general well-being and quality of life
  2. tinnitus
  3. cognition function
  4. all of the above
7.  The recommended upper age limit for someone to receive a cochlear implant is
  1. There is no recommended upper age limit
  2. 65 years
  3. 70 years
  4. 80 years
8.  The number of adults age 65 and over in the United States who are potential candidates for a cochlear implant is approximately
  1. 1 million
  2. 15,000
  3. 150,000
  4. 5,000
9.  Some studies have found that older adults tend to demonstrate better speech recognition outcomes with a CI if they
  1. are older when they receive their implant and have lower preoperative speech recognition scores
  2. are younger when they receive their implant and have higher preoperative speech recognition scores
  3. long term hearing aid users
  4. have no measureable hearing prior to receiving a CI
10.  Some researchers estimate that __ of older adults who qualify for a cochlear implant are getting one.
  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 5%
  4. 60%

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