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Exam Preview

Advancing the Continuum of Care for Adult Patients with Complex Hearing Needs

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1.  Primary indicators of overall hearing aid outcome includes
  1. Aided speech recognition
  2. benefit and satisfaction
  3. hours of use
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above
2.  The most influential factor for speech reception is
  1. Verbal IQ
  2. Age
  3. Audibility
  4. Hearing aid experience
  5. Thresholds
3.  Individual differences in aided speech identification are primarily influenced by
  1. Higher level cognition
  2. Age
  3. Linguistic processes
  4. A and B
  5. A and C
4.  Universal Listening Needs include which of the following communication modality?
  1. face-to-face
  2. medial
  3. safety
  4. phone
  5. all of the above
5.  Which of the following is not a Universal Hearing Need?
  1. social
  2. home
  3. music
  4. leisure
  5. school/work
6.  Restaurants, movies and travel are examples of listening conditions that are identified by what Universal Hearing Need?
  1. Leisure
  2. social
  3. school
  4. work
  5. media
7.  Family dinner or car would be considered what type of listening environment
  1. near field quiet
  2. near field noise
  3. far field quiet
  4. far field noise
8.  A DECT phone, TV Link and Roger Pen would be considered what type of HA fitting:
  1. Advanced
  2. solutions based
  3. product centric
  4. high tech
  5. accessorized
9.  Binaural signal processing that incorporates both electrical and acoustical stimulation is termed:
  1. Contemporary
  2. Bilateral
  3. Bimodal
  4. Telemetry
  5. Innovative
10.  Research supports that more social and productive activities were positively related all of the below except:
  1. Overall happiness
  2. overall funtion
  3. mortality
  4. cognitive decline

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