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Beyond the Audiogram: Subjective Assessments of Spatial Hearing and Listening Effort, presented in partnership with ARA

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1.  In which of the following situations is spatial hearing being used?
  1. Determining where the birds are chirping while on a walk
  2. Recognizing a car passing while you are next to the street
  3. Being able to track the conversation as you are talking with several people
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is a benefit of binaural hearing?
  1. Better sound localization
  2. Improved speech understanding in background noise
  3. Better spatial orientation
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following would not be a subjective assessment of spatial hearing?
  1. Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing scale
  2. Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit
  3. Spatial Hearing Questionnaire
  4. A reported difficulty localizing sound on the Client-Oriented Scale of Improvement
4.  From results with the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale, which participant group reportedly has better spatial hearing ability?
  1. Bilateral cochlear implant users
  2. Unilateral cochlear implant users
  3. Monaural hearing aid users
  4. Bimodal users
5.  Which of the following cases would consist of bilateral input, maintaining spatial hearing ability?
  1. Use of a short electrode cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other
  2. Asymmetrical hearing loss
  3. Use of a short electrode implant with no acoustic hearing
  4. None of the above
6.  Which term is the allocation of mental resources to overcome obstacles when carrying out a listening task?
  1. Mental fatigue
  2. Ease of listening
  3. Listening effort
  4. Communication
7.  Which of the following methods is an objective measure of listening effort based on behavioral responses?
  1. Physiological tests of pupillometry
  2. Dual-task test paradigms
  3. Subjective ratings of listening effort
  4. Objective skin conductance tests
8.  Of the following options, which best characterizes the influence of age on listening effort?
  1. One's listening effort decreases as an individual ages
  2. One's listening effort is not affected by age
  3. One's listening effort increases with increasing age
  4. Younger adults exert more listening effort than older adults
9.  Which of the following is NOT a finding from results reported here on listening effort in cochlear implant (Cl) users?
  1. Listening effort was poorer for normal hearing listeners compared to Cl users
  2. Listening effort was found to be similar across unilateral, bilateral, and short electrode Cl users
  3. No relationship was found between listening effort and age at onset of hearing loss or duration of Cl use for Cl users
  4. Speech perception was no different among the short electrode Cl users and normal hearing participants
10.  Which of the following could be benefits of assessing a patient's listening effort?
  1. Identify and manage patient's stress levels in listening situations
  2. Compare different hearing aid devices for improved mental attention in conversation
  3. Provide evidence that an FM system is helpful for individual with borderline hearing loss
  4. All of the above

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