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Exam Preview

How to Overcome the Struggles of Pediatric Hearing Loss

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1.  Children with unilateral hearing loss may have difficulty
  1. hearing in noise
  2. localizing sound
  3. both A and B
  4. none of the above
2.  As compared to their peers without hearing loss, children with unilateral hearing loss:
  1. are more likely to fail/repeat a grade
  2. are more likely to skip a grade
  3. localize sound better
  4. will have better understanding in noise
3.  What option is available for children under the age of 5 who are candidates for a bone anchored system?
  1. there are no options - they have to wait until they are old enough for surgery
  2. they can try a bone anchored hearing system on a soft band
  3. they can have surgery for a bone anchored implant as there is no minimum age for this surgery
  4. a deep fitting CIC for a transcranial CROS approach is usually recommended
4.  Studies have shown that unilateral hearing loss
  1. Does not have a negative school impact
  2. Will require 30% of students to repeat a grade level
  3. Does not require special school intervention
  4. None of the above.
5.  Regarding speech recognition in noise, one study mentioned in this presentation found that children need:
  1. a poorer signal-to-noise ratio than adults to achieve the same performance
  2. a better signal-to-noise ratio than adults to achieve the same performance
  3. the same signal-to-noise ratio as adults to achieve the same performance
  4. none of the above
6.  Children with unilateral hearing loss
  1. May act out
  2. May experience fatigue at the end of the day
  3. May not tell someone they are struggling with their hearing loss
  4. All of the above
7.  Which approach to bone conduction provides the most access to sound?
  1. Ponto on an abutment/direct drive approach
  2. Magnetic system/skin drive approach
  3. Ponto on a soft band
  4. All of the approaches above have equal outputs and bandwidth, and thus they all provide equal access to sound
8.  Bone anchored hearing systems (BAHS) are intended for pediatric patients with
  1. Conductive hearing losses
  2. Mixed hearing losses
  3. Single side deafness
  4. All of the above
9.  Which of the following is a consideration when deciding whether a child with hearing loss should be fit with amplification, according to the AAA Pediatric Amplification Guidelines?
  1. children have more demanding listening environments than adults for listening to speech
  2. children have more language context and can thus fill in the blanks
  3. children's brains are younger and thus sharper than adults
  4. children may rely on amplification and become lazy listeners
10.  Resources to consider for children with hearing loss, in addition to amplification, include:
  1. FM systems
  2. An individualized education plan
  3. early intervention services
  4. All of the above

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