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ReSound Educational Series: The Process for Successful Tinnitus Management and Sound Sensitivity Part 2

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1.  Which is NOT part of the Compassion fatigue process:
  1. Exposure to suffering
  2. Prolonged exposure - on-going sense of responsibility for the care of the suffering
  3. Having no stress and sleeping well
  4. Empathic ability - aptitude for noticing the pain of others
2.  What symptoms should you look out for to identify if you suffer from compassion fatigue?
  1. Sleeping well and looking forward to going to work
  2. Difficulty concentrating, irritability, loss of purpose, anxiety, apathy
  3. High motivation, socializing a lot, mental sharpness
  4. Feeling on top of the world
3.  "Burn-out" is defined as:
  1. The same as compassion fatigue
  2. Trauma related stress
  3. A cumulative process marked by emotional exhaustion and withdrawal associated with increased workload and institutional stress, NOT trauma related
  4. Being bored at work
4.  What is a key element to the clinician's self care:
  1. Isolation
  2. Depression
  3. Connections: Process your reactions and thoughts with someone else (coworker, therapist, clergy, friend, family, supervisor)
  4. Avoiding their feelings
5.  Tinnitus management options include:
  1. Diuretics, ear plugs, FM system
  2. Hearing aids, sound therapy, canalith repositioning maneuvers
  3. Sound pillow, shock therapy, counseling
  4. Counseling, hearing aids, table top sound generators
6.  To properly bill for diagnostic code 92625, assessment of tinnitus, what must be performed?
  1. Pitch matching, optoacoustic emissions, minimal masking level
  2. Residual inhibition, loudness matching, loudness discomfort levels
  3. Pitch matching, loudness matching, minimal masking level
  4. Tympanometry, loudness discomfort levels, residual inhibition
7.  Three examples of subjective tinnitus questionnaires include:
  1. Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, Tinnitus Functional Index
  2. Dizziness Handicap Inventory, Tinnitus Disability Assessment, Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire
  3. Tinnitus Relationship Questionnaire, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, Tinnitus Functional Index
  4. Tinnitus Disability Assessment, Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire, Coggs Hyperacusis Inventory
8.  Tinnitus assessment is conducted to serve as a basis for all of the following except:
  1. Validation for tinnitus patient
  2. Need for vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT)
  3. Counseling
  4. Selection of tinnitus management/ treatment
9.  Which of the following is a non-auditory structure which influences gain/sensitivity/loudness
  1. Middle ear muscles
  2. Cochlea
  3. Reticular formation
  4. Auditory cortex
10.  Sound therapy is helpful in misophonia management to
  1. Increase sensory information on the brain's "inner screen"
  2. Help family members ignore the misophonic
  3. Stay disconnected from the family
  4. Remove the possibility of creating more triggers
11.  Describe Reaction
  1. High road, slow and thorough
  2. Thoughtful
  3. Low road, quick and dirty
  4. Travels through the auditory cortex
12.  Describe Response
  1. High road, slow and thorough
  2. Direct
  3. Low road, quick and dirty
  4. Does not pass through the auditory cortex
13.  The Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (MBTSR) and is an 8-week course that:
  1. can be completed in one-week
  2. teaches mindfulness and meditation skills to be practiced throughout a lifetime
  3. is a 4-week course
  4. "cures" tinnitus and hyperacusis
14.  A Mindfulness approach to tinnitus helps extinguish the automatic fear reaction and replaces it with:
  1. letting go of attention and perception of tinnitus and hyperacusis
  2. nervousness about other body sensations
  3. other fears about loud sounds
  4. worries about other medical issues
15.  The top complaints of people with bothersome tinnitus are:
  1. low motivation; over-excitement; lack of feeling
  2. headaches; body aches; restless leg syndrome
  3. depression; anxiety; sleep difficulty, and difficulty concentrating
  4. poor speech; poor vision; asthma

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