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Exam Preview

Ethics In Hearing Healthcare. Does It Really Apply To My Practice?

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1.  The goal of a code of ethics is to
  1. uphold a good reputation of an organization or group
  2. align with federal laws
  3. align with state laws
  4. allow people to act however they want
2.  Codes and laws are similar. Which of the following is primarily related to a code and not a law?
  1. practicing outside the scope of practice
  2. unlicensed practice
  3. ethics related to students
  4. convictions post licensure
3.  An ethical dilemma that may occur in the practice of hearing healthcare is?
  1. compliance with regulatory guidelines
  2. confidentiality
  3. pay/source funding
  4. all of the above
4.  Which of the following is the first step in the Ethical Dilemma Resolution Model?
  1. assess the effect of each option
  2. stop and think
  3. review information to determine action
  4. select the best option and document
5.  Which of the following is the third step in the Ethical Dilemma Resolution Model?
  1. assess the effect of each option
  2. define the problem
  3. determine facts
  4. select the best option and document
6.  In ethics, which are we most concerned with?
  1. actions that are clearly ethical
  2. actions that are clearly unethical
  3. actions that fall in the "gray area"
  4. actions that are legal
7.  Which of the following could be considered behaviors that are not ethical?
  1. fidelity
  2. integrity
  3. fraudulent actions
  4. honesty
8.  The most important steps in any ethical decision making modal is ____ because if it is not defined, you can't evaluate and improve the situation.
  1. get the facts
  2. develop options
  3. monitor and modify
  4. consider consequences
9.  What must you do to ensure your decisions remain current with state and national board ethical guidelines
  1. do nothing different
  2. monitor and modify your policies
  3. change policies based on your convenience
  4. review ethical guidelines from other organizations
10.  A conflict of interest in business usually refers to:
  1. a situation in which an individual's personal interests conflicts with professional intersts owed to an employer
  2. a situation in which professional interests owed to an employer conflict with an indicidual's personal values
  3. a situation in which an individual's personal interests conflict with a friend's personal interests
  4. a situation in which personal interests are consistent with the professional interests owed to his employer

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