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Exam Preview

Our Life is Sound & Hearing Health: A Biological Perspective

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1.  Children and young adults who perform poorly when listening to speech in noise
  1. Have strong neural representation of voice pitch
  2. Have weak neural representation of voice pitch
  3. Show normal neural representation of voice pitch
  4. None of the above
2.  Performance on speech in noise tasks is
  1. Mediated by attention and working memory
  2. Reflected in the frequency-following response
  3. Better in adult musicians compared to non-musicians
  4. All of the above
3.  The frequency-following response to complex sounds can be used for evaluation of central auditory processes because
  1. the temporal response waveform resembles the stimulus waveform
  2. peak latencies are highly variable
  3. latency differences of at least a millisecond are clinically significant
  4. grand average responses are more informative than individual responses
4.  Which of the following is NOT a reason that the frequency-following response to complex sounds can be used to evaluate auditory processing?
  1. The FFR resembles the stimulus
  2. The FFR may be elicited passively
  3. The FFR is a direct reflection of cortical processing
  4. The FFR is robust across the lifespan
5.  What type of training can alter the biology of older adults?
  1. Lifelong music training
  2. Childhood music training
  3. Short-term computer-based auditory training
  4. All of the above
6.  Which below are attributes of sound?
  1. Invisible
  2. Intensity....loud
  4. All of the above
7.  Auditory processing (an Action Potential) within the brain occurs...
  1. Every 1 ms
  2. > 40 ms
  3. Every 100 ms
  4. > 1 sec
8.  Older adults musicians compared to older adult non-musicians...
  1. Have faster neural timing
  2. Have higher / more powerful auditory working memories
  3. Hear better in noise
  4. All of the above
9.  Preliminary results show that childhood concussions...
  1. Do not affect the auditory system
  2. Have a direct impact on Auditory processing skills
  3. Negatively impact the ability to hear in noise
  4. Both B and C
10.  Providing amplification early and with initial accurate fitting protocols results in...
  1. No differences in future hearing
  2. Boosts neural synchrony
  3. Decrease in sensitivity to sound
  4. Lowering of hearing noise ability

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