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Exam Preview


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1.  How many styles is CROS B available in?
  1. 1 (312 BTE)
  2. 2 (312 and 13 BTEs)
  3. 3 (312 BTE, 13 BTE, and 13 custom)
  4. 2 (10 and 312 BTEs)
2.  Which Audeo instrument is NOT compatible with CROS B?
  1. Audeo B-312
  2. Audeo B-13
  3. Audeo B-R
  4. all of the above
3.  In which technology levels is Speech in Loud Noise available with CROS B?
  1. B50
  2. B50 & B70
  3. B50, B70, & B90
  4. B90
  5. B70 & B90
4.  CROS B utilizes which fitting device?
  1. iCom
  2. iCube
  3. iCube II
  4. ComPilot II
5.  Where in Target do you have access to adjust "CROS Balance"?
  1. Global Tuning
  2. Fine Tuning
  3. Audiogram Direct
  4. Device Options
6.  On the CROS B-13 transmitter, what does the on board toggle switch control?
  1. Hearing aid volume
  2. Programs
  3. CROS Balance
  4. none of the above
7.  Which ear piece option is ONLY available for CROS B-13?
  1. Demo hook
  2. CROS slim tube
  3. CROS hook
  4. CROS tip
8.  CROS B gets __% more battery life than the first generation of CROS.
  1. 5%
  2. 15%
  3. 25%
  4. 30%
  5. none of the above
9.  When a patient has an unaidable hearing loss in one ear and an aidable hearing loss in the better hearing ear, which solution is appropriate?
  1. CROS
  2. Unilateral fitting
  3. Bi-CROS
  4. Body aid
10.  For a fully automated, directional solution, which is the best solution?
  1. B30 + CROS B
  2. B50 + CROS B
  3. B70 + CROS B
  4. B90 + CROS B

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