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Exam Preview

Navigating Genie Software - Fitting and Fine Tuning

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1.  The Oticon Opn products are located in:
  1. Genie
  2. Genie 2
  3. Noah
  4. NoahLink
2.  The recommended wireless programmer for Oticon Genie 2 fitting software is:
  1. Hi Pro
  2. Hi Pro 2
  3. Noahlink Wireless
  4. Fitting Pro 2
3.  In Genie 2, the screen used to fine tune OpenSound Navigator is:
  1. The Selection Screen
  2. The Fitting Screen/Open Sound Navigator
  3. The Fitting Screen/Fine Tuning
  4. The End Fitting Screen
4.  Personalization can be done in this version of software:
  1. Genie and Genie 2
  2. Fancy
  3. Swift
  4. None of the above
5.  The following is NOT a tool in Genie and Genie 2:
  1. Cable Overview
  2. Technical Data Sheets
  3. Instructional Videos
  4. A manufacturer’s recommended model based on audiogram
6.  Feedback risk can be measured using this feature:
  1. Feedback analyzer
  2. Personalization
  3. Acoustics
  4. End Fitting
7.  A customer can check the following connectivity accessories in the End fitting screen
  1. Phone, TV Box, Remote, Connect Clip, EduMic
  2. FM/DAI only
  3. Compression Ratios
  4. All of the above
8.  When rechargeable devices are connected the batter overview page will be visible in the:
  1. Family Screen
  2. Selection Screen
  3. Fitting Screen
  4. End Fitting Screen
9.  This screen helps you pick an appropriate style of instrument
  1. Family screen
  2. End Fitting screen
  3. Selection Screen
  4. Fitting screen
10.  Personalization is the process by which the provider:
  1. Sets the background graphics and appearance of Genie 2
  2. Sets the start up jingle for the instruments
  3. Sets the signal processing algorithms for best sound quality
  4. Selects the the shell color for the instruments

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