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GSI AMTAS: Implementation and Interpretation Case Studies

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1.  The Quality Indicator that verifies each threshold is:
  1. Predicted Average Absolute Difference
  2. False alarm
  3. Average Test Retest Difference
  4. QC Fail
2.  The Quality Indicator that displays the number of times the patient selected yes when there was no tone presented is:
  1. a.Predicted Average Absolute Difference
  2. False alarm
  3. Average Test Retest Difference
  4. QC Fail
3.  If a patient gets LOWER than 88% on WRS,
  1. Immediately refer for APD testing.
  2. AMTAS will increase the level 8 dB and present another wordlist.
  3. The test is immediately aborted.
  4. AMTAS repeats all pure tone testing.
4.  If all of the bone conduction thresholds are at -10, but the air conduction shows a symmetrical hearing loss, then:
  1. there is a huge conductive hearing loss.
  2. imaging should be recommended.
  3. it is likely the patient was responding to masking noise.
  4. nothing. Giant air bone gaps are completely normal.
5.  The following is used to formulate most appropriate next steps for patients:
  1. AMTAS thresholds, speech results, and Quality indicators
  2. Only AMTAS thresholds.
  3. Only AMTAS Speech Results
  4. Only AMTAS Quality Indicators

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