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REM Workshop Part 2: Setting Up and Verifying Various Fitting Parameters via Real Ear Measurements

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1.  Room calibration should be performed:
  1. On every client
  2. When speaker has moved/daily
  3. Yearly
  4. Never
2.  A flat REUR can mean (select all applicable):
  1. Wax blocking probe tube
  2. Probe tube became pintched
  3. Leak in probe tube
  4. Both A and B
3.  MPO should be performed in the coupler/test box at:
  1. 85 dB
  2. Never in test box
  3. 90 dB
  4. 75 dB
4.  Target for REAR should match to:
  1. +/- 3 dB
  2. +/- 6 dB
  3. +/- 5 dB
  4. Exactly match
5.  You can reuse probe tubes on different clients:
  1. Always
  2. Only after cleaning the tubes properly
  3. Never
  4. After checking through a video otoscope that the client’s ear canal is free of wax

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