Ask The Experts
Q&A from the most trusted names in audiology.
What is the Physiology Behind Non-Suppression of OAEs in Auditory Neuropathy?
March 10, 2008
What is the physiology behind non-suppression of OAE by ipsi/contra noise in cases of auditory neuropathy? Read More
Otoacoustic Emissions
Toxicity of Earmold Tubing Adhesives and Recommended Precautions
March 3, 2008
I am opposed to using glues, even tubing glue, to secure tubing in an earmold due to possible harmful effects to the ear skin and canal. Most often when an earmold is retubed the mold goes directly in... Read More
Earmolds and Ear Impressions Medical and Surgical
Using Oral Directions to Differentiate Between APD and ADD/ADHD
February 25, 2008
If a child is having a difficult time following oral directions within the classroom, how can we differentially diagnose APD from ADD/ADHD, without having expensive APD testing done? Read More
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
Strategies for Inserting a Probe Tube into an Infant's Ear.
February 18, 2008
Are there modified strategies for inserting the probe tube into a young infant's ear for measuring the real-ear portion of the RECD? Read More
Hearing Aids - Children Pediatrics
Infection Control for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA)
February 11, 2008
I recently read about a case of Staphylococcus at my child's school. Upon further research on the internet, I have seen news reports that there are "resistant" forms of this bacterium that are causing... Read More
Infection Control Medical and Surgical
Difficulty Hearing in Noise with a Normal Audiogram: Assessing the Need for Intervention
February 4, 2008
When I have an adult who presents with specific auditory/hearing loss complaints (i.e., difficulty understanding speech in background noise or other difficult situations in which they previously had n... Read More
Hearing and Hearing Loss
Calibration of Evoked Potential Equipment
January 28, 2008
I have recently started working at an audiology clinic which has a 4 year old Navigator Pro Evoked Potentials machine which has never been serviced or physically calibrated. I think it had a biologica... Read More
Measuring RECD on a Young Child
January 21, 2008
It can be a challenge to measure the RECD on a young child. What are some strategies for measuring an RECD with this population? Read More
Hearing Aids - Children Hearing Evaluation - Children Pediatrics
Maximum Caseload for an Audiologist - Factors to Consider
January 14, 2008
Does anyone have a estimate or rule-of-thumb to serve as a guide for number of patients seen per clinician? I work as a sole audiologist in a setting that has referrals from one ENT, but also many oth... Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Can the Quick-SIN or HINT Be Used to Evaluate FM Systems?
January 7, 2008
What are your thoughts on the use of something like the Quick-SIN or the HINT to evaluate FM-system effectiveness? Read More
Aural Habilitation - Children Assistive Devices Hearing Aids - Children Pediatrics Pediatrics
ABR on Unsedated Children
December 10, 2007
We do ABR testing on children unsedated. We have them watch a movie on a personal DVD player to keep them still and occupied. Is this a bad idea? Read More
Electrophysiology Hearing Evaluation - Children Pediatrics
Using ABR Thresholds in Pediatric Hearing Aid Fittings.
December 3, 2007
Can auditory brainstem response (ABR) threshold estimates be used in hearing aid fitting? It is my understanding that a correction is needed. How do I know if an ABR system has a correction in it and... Read More
Electrophysiology Hearing Aids - Children Hearing Evaluation - Children Pediatrics Pediatrics
Medicare: Participating and Non-Participating Providers
December 3, 2007
What is the difference between participating and non-participating providers for Medicare? What are the options for audiologists in being able to participate in either manner? Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Probe Tone Frequency and Tympanometry in Infants
November 19, 2007
When testing infants (less than 6 months), I know it is important to use a high frequency probe tone for tympanometry. Is it better to use 678 Hz or 1000 Hz? Also, why does the volume measure change d... Read More
Hearing Evaluation - Children Pediatrics
Benefits of Using Web-based Practice Management Software
November 12, 2007
Why would someone want to use web-based software to manage their audiological practice? Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
The Final Word on Audiological CPT Codes
November 8, 2007
We currently have a copy of a summary of audiological CPT codes and description of uses, prepared by another expert in the field. Do you have an updated version or one similar? Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Testing a Hearing Aid for Music
November 5, 2007
I have heard that the font end limiter or input limiter of a hearing aid set too low by the hearing aid manufacturer can result in music being clipped due to its higher dynamic range compared to music... Read More
Hearing Aids - Adults
Method Codes and Billing for Pediatric Evaluations
November 5, 2007
Can you talk about method codes? Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Variation in Medicaid Benefits from State to State
October 29, 2007
Why is it that the New York State Medicaid Department will not cover the cost of ENG testing as performed by a licensed and certified audiologist? Medicaid is usually the secondary payer anyway for ma... Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Starkey Troubleshooting Solutions - Destiny Fading
October 29, 2007
What should I do if a patient complains that their Destiny hearing aids are 'fading', 'cutting out' or 'shutting down'? Read More
Hearing Aids - Adults