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Exam Preview

Understanding the Components of a Written Infection Control Plan

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1.  The Employee Classification Category section of the written infection control plan is intended to categorize employees according to whether or not their job exposes them to:
  1. Hepatitis
  2. Blood and bodily fluids
  3. HIV
  4. All of the above
2.  HBV vaccination must be offered at no charge by the employer to all:
  1. Category 1 & 2 employees only
  2. Category 2 & 3 employees only
  3. Category 3 employees only
  4. Not required at any point
3.  Each clinic must conduct and document completion of infection control training:
  1. at the initial hire of an employee and annually
  2. when new diagnostic procedures are offered by the staff
  3. when an employee changes exposure classification status
  4. all of the above
4.  The OSHA required element of a written infection control plan that integrates clinic-specific work practice controls is:
  1. Employee exposure classification
  2. Plan for annual training and records for training
  3. Plan for accidents and accidental exposure follow-up
  4. Implementation Protocols
5.  The MSDS refers to:
  1. an informational document that outlines hazards associated with chemical products
  2. a package insert accompanying chemical products that outlines instructions for use
  3. a document that specifies expiration dates of chemicals
  4. a grading system established by the EPA
6.  Profession specific procedures designed to reduce the likelihood of cross-contamination are called:
  1. standard precautions
  2. work practice controls
  3. training plans
  4. emergency procedures
7.  Hands must be washed:
  1. immediately after glove removal
  2. during initiation of patient appointment
  3. at any time the clinician feels it is necessary
  4. all of the above
8.  Reusable curettes used for cerumen removal must be:
  1. cleaned and disinfected prior to reuse
  2. cleaned and sterilized prior to reuse
  3. disinfected and sterilized prior to reuse
  4. cleaned, disinfected and sterilized prior to reuse
9.  An EPA approved sterilant must contain concentrations of the active ingredient:
  1. 2% glutaraldehuyde or 7.5% hydrogen peroxide
  2. 2% hydrogen peroxide or 7.5% glutaraldehyde
  3. 7.5% glutaraldehyde or 7.5% hydrogen peroxide
  4. 2% glutaraldehyde or 2% hydrogen peroxide
10.  Soaking time required to achieve sterilization:
  1. 20 minutes
  2. 6 hours
  3. 10 hours
  4. Depends on the active ingredients of the cold sterilant

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