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Pediatric Audiology Case Review: Are We Getting the Information We Need?

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1.  Outcomes of a successful technology includes all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. Improve auditory brain access to spoken language
  2. Lay the foundation for academic learning via audition
  3. Improve nonverbal IQ
  4. Facilitate socialization
2.  For a test to be reliable, it must:
  1. be repeatable
  2. show consistent results across different administrations
  3. both A and B
  4. none of the above
3.  The purpose of evaluating unaided and aided results is to estimate the child's brain access for:
  1. language learning, academic learning and socialization
  2. artistic development
  3. physical development
  4. visual development
4.  For a test to be valid it must be:
  1. age appropriate
  2. measuring what it purports to measure
  3. both A and B
  4. None of the above
5.  Questions to ask when evaluating audiologic results include:
  1. Were the appropriate tests selected?
  2. Were test results reliable?
  3. Do we have sufficient information to determine if technology is appropriately fit and to plan management?
  4. All of the above
6.  Electroacoustic and real ear measures can tell you:
  1. how well a child benefits from their amplification in their day to day activities
  2. how well a child hears with their amplification in quiet
  3. whether the amplification meets prescriptive targets and if the equipment (i.e. microphones) are functioning
  4. all of the above
7.  When conducting aided testing to assist in determining the most appropriate hearing technology for a child with hearing loss, the audiologist should:
  1. Evaluate speech recognition in noise
  2. Evaluate speech recognition in each ear
  3. Evaluate speech recognition while the child uses both ears simultaneously (e.g., binaural, bilateral, bimodal)
  4. All of the above
8.  If a child is not progressing as expected, audiologists should first:
  1. refer for a medical work up
  2. suspect the technology and check if it is functioning, programmed appropriately, etc.
  3. counsel family regarding expectations
  4. refer for an auditory processing evaluation
9.  According to the presenters, auditory access is sufficient when aided test results show:
  1. aided thresholds no worse than 40 dB HL through 4000 Hz
  2. aided speech perception in quiet is fair to good
  3. aided thresholds of 25 dB HL or better throughout frequency range, and speech perception good to excellent in quiet and noise at normal and soft conversational levels
  4. improvement in either thresholds or speech perception versus the unaided condition
10.  According to one of the case studies shared, school age children with mild hearing loss:
  1. do not generally need intervention, only annual hearing evaluations
  2. are not at risk for progression of hearing loss
  3. are not at risk for academic issues
  4. should be tested in quiet and noise, and may need solutions for school and/or home

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