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Exam Preview

Bone Anchored Hearing Systems - Principles and Candidacy

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1.  From an audiological standpoint, which of the following hearing profiles are typical candidates for a BAHS device?
  1. Presbyacusis
  2. Conductive/mixed hearing loss hearing loss
  3. Unilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss
  4. Both B and C
2.  A BAHS device can only be fitted if:
  1. The patient is at least 18 years old
  2. The air-bone gap is strictly 30 dB or more
  3. The bone conduction average is below 65 dB HL
  4. Both B and C
3.  A patient with a purely sensorineural hearing loss who is extremely allergic to ear molds is:
  1. Never a candidate for BAHS
  2. A candidate for BAHS as long the average bone conduction is more than 65 dB HL
  3. A candidate for BAHS as long the average bone conduction is less than 65 dB HL
  4. Always a BAHS candidate
4.  To be a candidate for the Ponto, as an SSD patient the audiogram must show:
  1. The bone conduction average in both ears is at least 20 dB HL
  2. The patient has at least a profound sensorineural hearing loss in the worse ear
  3. The patient has normal or near normal hearing in their better ear
  4. Both B and C
5.  What are the advantages of treating a conductive hearing loss with a BAHS device over a hearing aid?
  1. Improved battery life
  2. Less gain needed (no compensation for air bone gap) which leads to better sound quality
  3. Need more gain so sounds are louder and clearer
  4. Both A and B
6.  A patient will obtain bilateral benefit when fitted with BAHS on both ears if:
  1. Both ears have a roughly similar air bone gap
  2. Air conduction thresholds are symmetrical
  3. Bone conduction thresholds are approximately symmetrical
  4. Both A and C
7.  Increasing the MFO of a BAHS device, leads to a more natural sound due to:
  1. Better utilization of patients dynamic range as more sounds are reproduced naturally
  2. Soft sounds being louder
  3. Both A and B
  4. A decreased saturation level
8.  The advantages of treating SSD with a BAHS device instead of a hearing aid are:
  1. Better localization of sound
  2. Ear canal is open
  3. Only have to wear one device
  4. Both B and C
9.  Which of the following statements are true:
  1. Direct Drive solutions lead to a 10-20 dB sound attenuation in mid-high frequencies
  2. BAHS devices which transmit sound via an implanted abutment are a Direct Drive solution
  3. Both B and D
  4. Skin Drive solutions lead to a 10-20 dB sound attenuation in mid-high frequencies
10.  The advantages of a bilateral BAHS fitting are:
  1. Less gain needs to be prescribed due to binaural summation
  2. Improved localization
  3. Better able to hear speech in noise
  4. All of the above

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