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Exam Preview

Listening Effort, Fatigue and Social Isolation: Consequences of Age Related Hearing Loss

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1.  Life expectancy for girls born in 2016 is:
  1. 75.4
  2. 79.3
  3. 82.8
  4. 100
2.  According to Pinker, the top two factors contributing to living longer are:
  1. clean air and exercise
  2. healthy eating and healthy weight
  3. yoga and meditation
  4. social integration and close relationships
3.  Sustained listening effort can lead to:
  1. Mental fatigue, disengagement, decreased well being
  2. Improved hearing thresholds
  3. Better auditory memory
  4. Higher motivation to attend and engage in the communication activity
4.  Fatigue is associated with:
  1. Severity of hearing loss
  2. Self perceived hearing handicap
  3. Desire for more social engagement
  4. Low listening effort
5.  According to the stress hypothesis:
  1. hearing aids are associated with stigma and higher stress levels
  2. withdrawal from others reduces stress as annoyances are fewer
  3. richer social environments and social engagement is associated with better cognitive health and less of a risk for cognitive decline
  4. a rich social environment is associated with higher stress as human interactions can be complicated
6.  Which of the following does not contribute to social loneliness?
  1. Multimorbidity
  2. Visual status
  3. Hearing status
  4. Arthritis
7.  According to Weinstein (1983) which of the following correlates strongly with loneliness and isolation?
  1. SRT
  2. Four frequency PTA
  3. Hearing level/severity
  4. Self perceived hearing handicap and difficulty understanding distorted speech
8.  Which of the following hearing health care interventions has been demonstrated to be a buffer against social/emotional loneliness?
  1. Hearing aids
  2. Sound World solution personal sound amplifier
  3. Speech reading training
  4. Auditory-Cognitive Therapy
9.  Dr. Weinstein advises "reframing the conversation" by making the goal of hearing healthcare interventions:
  1. better aided soundfield thresholds
  2. fitting all patients with premium technology
  3. optimizing social engagement
  4. helping patients to hear the television
10.  A public health approach to hearing loss and hearing care means:
  1. Getting more public funds for hearing care reimbursement
  2. Emphasizing optimizing audibility across social networks and intervening in several different aspects of social environments
  3. Getting hearing loss classified as an epidemic in order to scare the public into action
  4. All of the above

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