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Exam Preview

Principles of Tinnitus Evaluation and Management, presented in partnership with Salus University

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1.  The peripheral theory of tinnitus that hypothesizes an imbalance in outer hair cell and inner hair cell pathology is called the:
  1. Discordant damage theory
  2. Cochlear amplifier
  3. Somatosensory theory
  4. Off balance theory
2.  Work in Susan Shore's lab has implicated the DCN and which system in generation of tinnitus?
  1. Limbic system
  2. Somatosensory system
  3. Visual system
  4. Olfactory system
3.  The management approach for tinnitus that has the largest amount of supporting literature is:
  1. Sound therapy
  2. Magnet therapy
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  4. Shock therapy
4.  Audiologists are not commonly trained to provide formal cognitive behavioral therapy, rather we provide:
  1. Massage therapy
  2. Adjustment-based counseling
  3. Psycho-therapy
  4. Pseudo-audio therapy
5.  What form strategy for tinnitus management gives emphasis to the subconscious reflexive pathway and non-auditory regions implicated in tinnitus and applies sound-based therapy to achieve habituation?
  1. Tinnitus retraining therapy
  2. Tinnitus activities treatment
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  4. Achievement therapy
6.  Which is the best tinnitus treatment?
  1. Tinnitus retraining therapy
  2. Tinnitus activities treatment
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  4. It depends on the patient because the above treatments treat the reaction and all can have similar success.
7.  What is the most important part of the tinnitus evaluation?
  1. History intake
  2. Minimum masking level
  3. Loudness match
  4. Hearing testing
8.  Tinnitus is a normal experience. Which classic study first demonstrated the experience of tinnitus in persons placed in a sound treated room?
  1. Heller and Bergman
  2. Jastreboff and Hazell
  3. Spankovich and Hall
  4. Hall and Oates
9.  Which is a form of learning in which an organism decreases or ceases response to a stimulus after repeated or prolonged presentation?
  1. Operant conditioning
  2. Habituation
  3. Sensitization
  4. Desensitization
10.  Which proprietary system uses a matched tinnitus sound played while sleeping?
  1. Neuromonics
  2. Levo
  3. Notch music
  4. Apple music
11.  Which is the most effective sound therapy sound for tinnitus management?
  1. White noise
  2. Environmental sound
  3. Sound with musical quality
  4. Depends on the patient, there is not one sound therapy that is most effective
12.  Which of the following is an approach to tinnitus management that attempts to created neural plasticity and reduce the actual tinnitus signal?
  1. Tinnitus retraining therapy
  2. Masking
  3. CR neuromodulation
  4. Re-routing therapy
13.  Which surgical intervention has been fairly successful at suppressing tinnitus at some level in 90% of patients?
  1. Stereotactic radiosurgery
  2. Cochlear nerve ablation
  3. Cochlear implantation
  4. Suboccipital craniotomy
14.  Which supplement has been shown to be highly effective for tinnitus in randomized-placebo-controlled studies?
  1. Lipoflavonoid
  2. RingStop
  3. Quietus
  4. None of the above have RCT quality evidence, likely placebo effect
15.  Which of the following may help differentiate your practice from competition?
  1. Hearing aid dispensing
  2. Bundling
  3. Provide tinnitus evaluation and management
  4. Full page newspaper advertisements

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