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Exam Preview

Tinnitus Activities Treatment

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1.  What is important to consider in evaluating a tinnitus patient?
  1. How many other providers they have been to.
  2. Whether they have someone at home to help and support them
  3. How long they have had tinnitus and whether they are a hearing aid candidate.
  4. All of the above
2.  It is important to understand:
  1. What the patient expects from you.
  2. Whether any of their family members have tinnitus.
  3. The cause of their tinnitus.
  4. Where they hear or localize their tinnitus.
3.  _____ in 100 people have tinnitus?
  1. 15
  2. 25
  3. 35
  4. 45
4.  What is not a reasonable strategy you can offer to help with hearing?
  1. Watch a person's face if they are talking to you.
  2. If you are wearing a sound generator, don't turn the sound up too loud.
  3. Only try to talk to people when your tinnitus is not bothering you.
  4. Tell people you have difficulty hearing, and ask them to speak clearly.
5.  What is likely to be the least helpful advice for someone to get to sleep at night?
  1. Use your bedroom only for sleep.
  2. Don't eat or drink within one hour of bedtime.
  3. Don't exercise within 1 hour of bed.
  4. Wait until your tinnitus calms down before you go to bed.
6.  What is not a reasonable strategy you can offer to help with concentration?
  1. Take frequent breaks as needed.
  2. Remove other distractions from your work area.
  3. Play soft background music.
  4. Wait until later in the day to focus on important work.
7.  Which of the following would be a reasonable approach to a hearing aid fitting for tinnitus patients.
  1. Use a highly directional microphone.
  2. Only fit the ear with the tinnitus.
  3. Attempt to amplify low-level sounds.
  4. Always fit binaurally.
8.  What are the main strategies for masking?
  1. Low-level partial masking.
  2. Total masking.
  3. Partial masking with a focus on the mixing point.
  4. All of the above
9.  What is not a probable advantage of sound therapy?
  1. Substitute an annoying sound for a less annoying sound.
  2. Decrease the loudness of the tinnitus.
  3. Eliminate the tinnitus.
  4. Decrease the prominence of the tinnitus.
10.  The most important advantage of an open-ended questionnaire is that:
  1. Patients can take as much time as they want to complete it.
  2. It is easy to complete.
  3. Patients have the opportunity to write down what they believe is important.
  4. It lets the patient know you care.

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