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Exam Preview

Signia Podcast Series: Hearing Aids and Quality of Life - Advantages of Features

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1.  The audibility of soft sounds is essential for normalizing the soundscape. The recommended method to determine if this has been accomplished is to:
  1. Conduct aided probe-mic measures for a soft input
  2. Conduct aided speech recognition at 50 dB HL
  3. Ask the patient
  4. Look at the software simulation
2.  What is the primary advantage of having motion detection in a hearing aid?
  1. Less battery drain
  2. Intelligent morphing between directional and omnidirectional processing
  3. Better audibility of soft sounds
  4. None of the above
3.  We know that noise reduction strategies offer relaxed listening, reducing stress. Modern hearing aids can have as many as _____ different types of noise reduction.
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
4.  Improved understanding in background noise improves socialization. With modern bilateral beamforming directional technology, we would expect individuals with mild-to-moderate hearing losses to perform:
  1. About 20% below their age-matched peers with normal hearing
  2. About 10% below their age-matched peers with normal hearing
  3. About the same their age-matched peers with normal hearing
  4. Significantly better than their age-matched peers with normal hearing
5.  Patients who use hearing aids with an Own Voice Processing algorithm report that their own voice sounds more natural. Research has shown that they also:
  1. Understand speech significantly better
  2. Have better sound localization
  3. Are more active talking in social situations
  4. Have less problems with loud noises

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