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Exam Preview

Cochlear Implants and Veterans, in partnership with American Cochlear Implant Alliance

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  What auditory rehabilitation devices does the VA provide to Veterans with hearing loss?
  1. Hearing aids
  2. Osseo-integrated devices
  3. Cochlear implants
  4. All of the above
2.  What are the traditional audiological criteria for a Veteran to receive a cochlear implant?
  1. Binaural HINT sentence score of 40% or poorer
  2. Best aided HINT sentence score of 40% or poorer
  3. Best aided sentence score of 50% or poorer in the ear to be implanted and less than or equal to 60% bilaterally or in the best aided condition
  4. Best aided sentence understanding of 60% or poorer
3.  What are the common barriers for Veterans in receiving cochlear implant care?
  1. Finances
  2. Distance from a VA center providing cochlear implant services
  3. Lack of education about candidacy
  4. B and C
4.  What components are necessary to carry out Telehealth with cochlear implants?
  1. Device with camera and microphone, internet, email, and CI hardware
  2. Smartphone
  3. CI hardware
  4. Patient must be tech savvy
5.  Where can a Veteran receive cochlear implant services through the VA?
  1. VA Hospital
  2. Hearing Aid dispensing office
  3. Community Care Clinic
  4. A and C

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