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Exam Preview

Considerations for Managing Adult CI Patients for Whom English is a Second Language, in partnership with American Cochlear Implant Alliance

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1.  How should a clinician obtain cultural information from cultural groups?
  1. Ask the patient​
  2. Invite members from local cultural organizations for in-service​
  3. In-house cultural competence training​ paired with cultural humility approach
  4. All the above​
2.  How should a clinician structure their interaction with an interpreter? ​
  1. Speak in short sentences​
  2. Keep key points to 3 or fewer
  3. Ask one question at a time
  4. All the above
3.  What is one way I can start practicing cultural humility?
  1. Use patients ecomaps and genograms which help see the patients through their social ecological framework and which help identify generational trauma
  2. Using a journal to jot down potential implicit biases and observations of your interactions with patients
  3. At the end of the appointment ask the patient if he/she/they felt understood
  4. Model co-construction of the treatment plan
  5. All of the above
4.  Cultural humility is all of these except for:
  1. A lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique
  2. The same as cultural competency
  3. Respecting others’ cultural identity
  4. Awareness of moving from one culture to another throughout the day
  5. Requires historical awareness
5.  Which of these is a stereotype in our field?
  1. A person who speaks Spanish is a Latino
  2. Arabic is one language
  3. I can use a standardized assessment to assess auditory perception in an adult who speaks English as L2 without reservations.
  4. Only bilingual audiologists should test bilingual patients/patients who speak English as L2
  5. All of the above

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