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Exam Preview

Vestibular Schwannoma: Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring

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1.  What techniques can be used to monitor facial nerve function during a vestibular schwannoma surgery?
  1. AEP
  2. Free Run EMG and Stimulated EMG
  3. VNG
  4. None of the above
2.  Which artery is part of the critical blood supply to the Cochlea?
  1. MCA (Middle cerebral artery)
  2. PCOM (Posterior Communicating Artery)
  3. AICA (Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery)
  4. PICA (Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery)
3.  What does CMAP stand for?
  1. Compound Muscle Action Potential
  2. Cortical Mapping
  3. Cochlear Microphonic Action Potential Ratio
  4. Central Monitoring Action Plan
4.  What combination of factors have been demonstrated to be predictive of postoperative facial nerve outcomes?
  1. Facial Nerve CMAP threshold and Onset Latency
  2. The duration of facial nerve spasm and mechanical activation events
  3. Facial Nerve CMAP threshold and Proximal to Distal Amplitude Ratio
  4. Stability of Wave V on ABR
5.  According to Welch et al, what intraoperative Wave V component correlated with long-term postoperative Pure Tone Averages and Word Recognition Scores?
  1. Summating Potential to Action Potential Ratio
  2. Wave V amplitude
  3. I-III interpeak latency
  4. Wave V latency

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