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Exam Preview

American Cochlear Implant Alliance Task Force Guidelines for Determining Cochlear Implant Candidacy in Adults

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1.  A team approach to determining adult cochlear implant candidacy may include all the following specialties EXCEPT:
  1. Audiology
  2. Otolaryngology
  3. Podiatry
  4. Psychology
2.  The medical part of a cochlear implant candidacy evaluation may include which of the following?
  1. Vestibular testing
  2. Genetic testing
  3. Imaging
  4. All of the above
3.  The following tests are used to determine adult cochlear implant candidacy EXCEPT:
  1. Unaided speech recognition scores
  2. Aided speech testing in noise
  3. Aided monosyllabic word scores
  4. Hearing aid verification
4.  What are some of the factors considered when determining CI candidacy?
  1. Patient’s duration of deafness
  2. Patient’s cognitive status
  3. Patient’s lifestyle and demographics
  4. All of the above
5.  When testing best-aided, how should a hearing aid be verified prior to testing?
  1. Hearing aids do not need to be verified prior to testing
  2. Verification with real-ear measures
  3. Functional gain only
  4. Subjective report only

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