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Signia Expert Series: Hearing Aid Fitting Nuggets Mined From Recent Research

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1.  The Humes research found that when hearing loss was classified according to the WHO, and aided and unaided HHIE/A findings were studied:
  1. There was no difference in HHIE benefit for the three hearing loss groups
  2. There was a sizeable increase in HHIE benefit for the group with the most hearing loss.
  3. There was a sizeable decrease in benefit for the group with normal hearing.
  4. The unaided for the group with normal hearing was much better than the mild and moderate group
2.  If we are fitting a “closed” instant fitting tip, but it really is open, how will this impact the SNR advantage of directional microphone technology?
  1. Not at all
  2. Probably about 1 dB less advantage
  3. Probably ~2-3 dB less advantage
  4. Probably 5-6 dB less advantage
3.  Recent research which examined the accuracy of automatic signal classification systems in premier hearing aids found that:
  1. All five of the premier products classified music correctly for>80% of the samples
  2. All five of the premier products classified speech-in-noise correctly for>80% of the samples
  3. All five of the premier products classified speech-in-quiet correctly for>80% of the samples
  4. Some products made more serious classification mistakes than others
4.  When Marketrak 10 compared people with hearing loss wearing hearing aids to people with hearing loss not wearing hearing aids, they found that those wearing hearing aid were ____ more satisfied in “conversations in background noise”.
  1. 40-50%
  2. 25-40%
  3. 10-25%
  4. 0-10%
5.  Recent research compared the size (in dB) of the hearing aid adjustment that was needed for the patient to notice a change. For the high frequencies, they found that a change of ____ dB was needed for it to be detected more than 50% of the time.
  1. Change (+ or -) of at least 2 dB
  2. Change (+ or -) of at least 4 dB
  3. Change (+ or -) of at least 8 dB
  4. Change (+ or -) of greater than 8 dB

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