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Effortlessly Selected Product Solutions: The Evolution of Hearing Performance and Product Selection With Starkey Evolv AI

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1.  Starkey Sound enhancements for Evolv AI include an additional 2 dB of noise suppression in all technology tiers for:
  1. The Wind and Machine Noise algorithm
  2. The Quiet algorithm
  3. The Transient algorithm
  4. Directionality
2.  The Tap Gesture sensitivity feature in the Inspire User Control defaults to:
  1. Less
  2. More
  3. Default
  4. None
3.  Which of the following sound classifications has been updated for the Edge Mode enhancement feature?
  1. Quiet
  2. Transportation
  3. Wind
  4. Speech in Noise
4.  Evolv AI hearing aid wearers can now answer or reject a phone call via:
  1. Push button user control
  2. Rotary VC
  3. Thrive App
  4. Both A and C
5.  Which smartphone allows Evolv AI wearers to answer or reject a phone call?
  1. All Android phones
  2. All Apple iPhones
  3. Samsun and Google Pixel phones
  4. Jitterbug phones

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