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Exam Preview

Remote Support with Phonak Solutions

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1.  The myPhonak app provides access to the following eSolutions:
  1. Ordering hearing aids for purchase
  2. Sharing comments and settings on social media
  3. Remote Support
  4. Access to hearing aid blogs
2.  Which of the following may be a barrier when getting started with eSolutions?
  1. Not understanding how easy eSolutions are to use
  2. Feeling as though they are losing a touch point with their patient
  3. Concern about time in their schedule
  4. All of the above
3.  Who is a good candidate for using eSolutions?
  1. Tech savvy individuals
  2. Individuals using only certain smart phones
  3. Any individual with proper support and onboarding
  4. Patients between the ages of 21-35
4.  A benefit of using Remote Support with your patients may be:
  1. Real time changes in the patients environment
  2. Creating increased travel distance to experiment with hearing in cars
  3. Forcing breaks within busy professional work schedules for long in person appointments Answer D: all of the above
  4. All of the above
5.  Phonak eSolutions offer:
  1. A means to remove cerumen remotely
  2. A safe, convenient and engaging way to work with your patients
  3. A return to traditional methods of hearing care
  4. A solution for conducting ABR tests outside of the clinic

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