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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021

Frye Announces It's Latest Software Release, Plus Other Product News!

FONIX 6500-CX Software Released Version 4.63

This version contains the improvement in attack and release measurements in the ANSI '96 test sequence, and it provides a fix for a couple of fairly obscure problems that occurred in making real ear measurements in versions 4.60, 4.61 and 4.62. Another improvement that has been made in the Quik-Probe was requested by Harvey Dillon. In some cases, when there is little or no hearing loss at a given frequency, the NAL formula, as implemented, called for negative gain in the target. A publication by Mr. Dillon that spoke to this point was overlooked. The programming has now been fixed so that there is no negative gain. Such targets in the new software will be at 0 dB. The rest of the formulas that had this problem have also been changed. The NAL formula is now correctly called NAL RP instead of NAL 2.

As an added bonus, version 4.63 software includes a much requested change. You may now retain the audiogram when going from one ear to the other so when you have a client with symmetrical losses it isn't necessary to re-enter the audiogram.

Replacement firmware has been sent to all manufacturers who have ANSI '96 in version 4.50, 4.51 and 4.60. Version 4.61 and 4.62 do not have ANSI '96 problems. If, by chance, your unit has been missed please contact Frye Electronics.

Letters will be sent out to other users who are entitled to free upgrades starting this week. Frye will also be offering customers the opportunity to purchase accessories or add an additional option at a 10% discount. If you want to be at the head of the line in getting a free upgrade, just send an e-mail to with your serial number.

Free Instructional Program at ADA scheduled

ADA has given Frye the opportunity to present a program that will be very valuable to their users. For non-golfers and for those willing to give up a racquetball tournament, Frye will present a program that will enhance the usage of your FONIX instrument. Here is the description of the meeting:

Instructional Course Sponsored by Frye Electronics
Friday October 27th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Testing New Technologies

The newer technologies require changes in testing procedures. This course will cover the testing of CICs, programmable systems, non-linear aids, and digital technologies. Dispensers need new tests that reduce fitting time, get to a good fit faster, and increase patient satisfaction. With the advent of third party payers, the ability to verify and document the fitting is also of great importance. Some people already have the capabilities in their FONIX 6500s and FP40s to do these tests and just need additional instruction. Others may want to see demonstrations of this capabilities. Those involved in Pediatric Audiology may also want instruction in how to test auditory trainers and match them to the hearing aids. The program can be modified to include this instruction if interest is expressed.

Instructor: Linda Thibodeau, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Texas at Dallas. Callier Center for Communication Disorders.

Assisted by Jeff Pommier, Audiometrics and Kristina Frye, Frye Electronics.
Hands on practicuum also provided.

Participants should be able to receive Continuing Education credit as well for this program.

New Additions to the Frye product list.

An inexpensive talkback microphone with built-in stand and a 10 ft cord and surprisingly good frequency response is now available. It is part number 058-0015-00 and the price is $15.

Frye is also stocking the Audtec CD with Spondees, W-22s, NU-6, PBK-50, WIO, Multitalker paired comparison sentences and connect discount (027-0022-00) $98.

Demo Units

  • 2 FONIX 6500-CX - 10% discount

  • 2 FONIX FP40s - 10% discount

  • 5 FONIX FP35s - 25% discount

  • 3 FA-10s (audiometers) 10% discount

  • Add Quik-Probe to your FONIX 6500 at a 20% discount

    The Quik-Probe is sometimes removed when selling demo units so a number of modules, microphones and other components needed to add real ear measurements to existing 6500s are available. Here is a nice discount for some users.

    Summer Specials on FP40 upgrades

    Add composite option for half price. Speed up your testing by adding the real time signal. You will get the Digital Speech program. Order must be received by August 31st.

    For More Information Contact:
    Sallie Frye
    Marketing Manager
    Frye Electronics, Inc.
    Email: Sallie Frye
    Voice: 503-620-2722
    Fax: 503-639-0128

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