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Oticon Medical Sentio - July 2024

Ida Institute Announces Call for Applications for 2020 Ida Research Grants


Naerum, DK  December 17 – The Ida Institute is now accepting proposals for the 2020 Ida Research Grants. Established in 2016, Ida Research Grants award funding to projects that develop evidence related to Ida Institute initiatives and tools and aim to demonstrate the effects of person-centered care in hearing rehabilitation.  Ida Institute has allocated funding to the value of $30,000 USD to be awarded to three projects in 2020, with a maximum of $10,000 USD per grant. 

“As an independent, non-profit organization, the Ida Institute works to integrate person-centered practice in hearing care,” said Managing Director Lise Lotte Bundesen. “By providing funding for research into the effects of person-centered tools and methodologies in the field of hearing care, we hope to stimulate interest and support for the development of evidence in this important area of hearing rehabilitation.”

In 2020, Ida Institute is particularly interested in projects related to: 

  • Evaluation of the My Hearing Explained tool
  • Development of methods to assess the costs and benefits of person-centered care
  • Implementation approaches to adopting Ida tools in clinical practice

The timeline of the projects is one year. Grant recipients agree to begin their research projects no later than September 1, 2020, and submit a report on the results to the Ida Institute no later than September 1, 2021. 

Application and Selection

The application for funding is available at  Completed application forms should be sent by email to The deadline for applications is Monday, March 9, 2020 at 12:00 GMT. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email. 

The Ida Institute Research Committee will review and select successful grant applications. The grant recipients will be notified directly and announced publicly in May 2020. 

Research Committee members are Committee Chair Louise Hickson, PhD, Associate Dean External Engagement, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland; Joseph Montano, EdD, Chief of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center; Elisabet Sundewall Thorén, PhD, Head of Audiology Department, Skåne University Hospital; Melanie Gregory, Clinical and Commercial Lead, Leightons and The Hearing Care Partnership; and Kristina M. English, PhD, Professor Emeritus of the University of Akron and creator/editor at

Learn more about the Ida Institute at You can also follow the Ida Institute on Twitter at @idainstitute, or

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