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Inventis Harmonica - February 2025

NAFDA 2000 Hits Washington, D.C. in August!


The inaugural national annual convention of the National Association of Future Doctors of Audiology, NAFDA 2000, will be held in the nation's capitol, Washington, D.C., August 3-6, 2000.

All NAFDA members, including 142 four-year students, 470 distance learning students, and over 175 Alumni members, will be invited to attend this exciting Au.D. convention. Other invited guests include NAFDA Advisory Board Members, Audiology Faculty Advisors, NAFDA Corporate Partners and other VIP's from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, AAA, AAS, ADA, AFA, ASHA, EAA, SHHH, NIH, AARP, and others.

All NAFDA 2000 attendees will have the opportunity to learn of the most current, advanced technologies on the horizon for Audiology. AuD students and practicing Doctors of Audiology (NAFDA Alumni members) will attend seminars with business professionals so that we all will have the most effective, complete patient-care practices and facilities. CEU courses will be available to distance learning members and many NAFDA members will become certified in cerumen management while at NAFDA 2000.

An exciting, 20-minute short-film, promoting Audiology, NAFDA, the Au.D., and hearing healthcare, will be the initial highlight of the Opening Ceremonies to be held on Thursday night, August 3rd. Also scheduled will be a special Guest Speaker. On Friday night, August 4th, NAFDA members and guests will receive gifts and awards at the NAFDA Corporate Partner Award Dinner. Au.D. students will be the recipients of $13,000 in scholarships provided by Corporate Partners and NAFDA.

Corporate Partners will have exhibit booths all day Saturday, August 5th and will also provide educational, technical, and healthcare product business sessions for NAFDA members during the convention.

Candidates who wish to hold national NAFDA officer positions, beginning January 20, 2001, will be at NAFDA 2000 distributing candidate promotional materials and meeting with NAFDA members.

All NAFDA members have free hotel accommodations at the convention and registration fees are only $150 for four-year students and $195 for distance learning and Alumni members.

The Address for NAFDA 2000 is:

Hyatt Regency Crystal City
at Washington National Airport
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia 22202

For Online Registration Please Visit

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