HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2025 — Life is full of “aha” moments. Ian O’Malley’s most profound “aha” happened just recently, after popping in a pair of hearing aids at the behest of his audiologist. “For the first time I detected the slight rasp in my wife’s voice,” he says. During their 14 years of marriage the couple had shared so much, yet Ian was still missing out on one very important facet of their relationship — the warm and fuzzy feelings evoked by the sound of a loved one’s voice. It took a simple change of habit — wearing hearing aids — to deepen that emotional connection and for Ian to accept the reality of his hearing loss.
Signs of Decline
There were telltale signs of Ian’s hearing decline. “Even at the age of 30 I found myself asking people to repeat themselves way too often,” he recalls. A prominent radio host in NYC at the time, “instant replay at work had become a godsend.” Ian considered these hearing challenges nothing more than “minor inconveniences” he could easily deal with. And he did. Quite well, in fact. His career flourished and life was good. The thought of wearing hearing aids never crossed his mind even well into his 40s… until he met his soon-to-be-wife.
Concert Tip Off
Ironically, it was a rock concert that tipped her off to Ian’s condition. For most of his career Ian had attended three to five concerts a week. It was part of the job, a fun part, but one that in hindsight had taken a toll on his hearing. “My ears would ring for days afterward,” says Ian, describing what he now knows was tinnitus — a persistent ringing in the ears caused by noise exposure. He had always chalked it up to a harmless side effect that would fade after a day or two. He never really considered the long-term consequences. After attending a concert with his wife, his outlook changed.
“She was shocked that I didn’t wear earplugs,” he says. Ian obliged and earplugs became a requisite from then on. Also part of the deal was an appointment with an audiologist. Conversations with Ian were tough at times. “She thought that I either wasn’t listening to her or that I was forgetting,” Ian says. “I certainly didn’t want her to feel that either was happening, so I made an appointment.” A hearing test confirmed hearing loss, mostly audio in the high-frequency range: Bingo! Precisely the range of most female voices. “In the back of my mind I knew my hearing had declined, but I guess until I witnessed the impact it was having on loved ones, I wasn’t willing to do something about it.”
Overcoming the Stigma
Plus, Ian had to come to terms with the stigma associated with hearing aids. “When I think of hearing aids, I immediately visualize a huge earpiece connected to a long cord of ‘fishing line.’ Why would I want to resign myself to wearing something so conspicuous when I can get by without them?” Again, Ian’s reluctance quickly turned into acceptance the second he was fitted with a pair. The slim, modern design of the hearing aids offered by his audiologist wasn’t at all what he expected.
He also didn’t expect his hearing to so vastly improve. “The first thing I did was stand outside and just listen. The wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping, the sounds were distinct and clear.” Ian compares the experience to a plate of assorted food versus a stew where all sounds mix together and ingredients are hard to discern. “The experience was fascinating,” and one that Ian didn’t want to lose. “Pink Floyd, one of my favorite bands, definitely crossed my mind. I knew that with hearing aids I’d really be able to enjoy all the musical nuances and unique sound effects of their concert performances. I wish I would have gotten hearing aids 10 years ago!”
Widex Gets it Just Right
Like many new experiences, the novelty can wear off over time. The longer he wore his first pair of hearing aids, the more he discovered elements of the design and functionality that weren’t quite right. “It’s hard to express exactly what the issue was, I just felt that I needed something different,” he reflects. Ian shared his reservations about his inaugural pair of hearing aids with his audiologist during a follow-up exam. She suggested he try a pair of Widex SmartRIC hearing aids. They turned out to be the perfect solution. “Admittedly, when this journey began, I didn’t know enough about hearing aid brands or technologies to ask the right questions,” Ian says. The right choice for Ian came down to trial and error.
The Widex SmartRIC’s superior directionality, reduced wind and touch noise, and improved battery life made a huge difference in the quality of Ian’s hearing aid experience. “My colleague and morning show host at the radio station had spoken highly of the Widex hearing aids she wears. I can understand why! Remember seeing HDTV for the first time? You could see the improvement over analog TV immediately. It’s the same with the Widex SmartRIC hearing aids. The comparison to my original hearing aids and improvement of my hearing in general is remarkable.” Ian isn’t just hearing better; he’s hearing sounds the way they were meant to be heard, with greater realism and dimension — a tribute to the Widex SmartRIC’s TruAcoustics™ technology.
The technology does such a good job, “I usually just leave the hearing aids in Universal mode,” Ian says. “The hearing aid adjusts automatically to the environment, so everything sounds very natural.” A setting that Ian does occasionally adjust via the Widex smartphone app is the equalizer, raising or lowering the bass and treble to his liking. During road trips he might also access the directional settings to focus on and emphasize audio coming from the left or right, depending on if he’s a passenger or driver. Ian also finds the Widex hearing aids invaluable as he pursues a career in real estate. “This is a profession that requires good listening skills. If you’re struggling to hear your clients’ preferences, it’s impossible to find them the home of their dreams.”
Setting the Record Straight
The quality, the comfort, the cosmetics, and the impact the Widex SmartRIC hearing aids have had on Ian’s personal relationships and professional success are so profound he feels compelled to share his experiences with others. It’s no secret to Ian’s radio audience that he’s a fan of the brand and he recently wrote an article chronicling the journey which is posted on his personal Facebook page. “It’s important that people understand how much hearing aids can make a difference. It’s no secret that the Widex SmartRIC hearing aids saved my mistake of attending concerts without earplugs. I advise anyone who listens to my show or reads my story that if you have already made this same mistake, get tested. If not, always wear earplugs.” Ian practices what he preaches. He and his wife still attend concerts. And he still wears earplugs. “Concerts and the gym are the only places I swap my Widex SmartRIC hearing aids for earplugs and headphones. Otherwise, I wear them all day, every day.”
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About Widex
At Widex we believe in a world where there are no barriers to communication; a world where people interact freely, effortlessly, and confidently. With sixty years’ experience developing state-of-the-art technology, we provide hearing solutions that are easy to use, seamlessly integrated in daily life and enable people to hear naturally. As one of the world’s leading hearing aid producers, our products are sold in more than one hundred countries, and we employ 4,000 people worldwide.