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Oticon Medical - BAHS - January 2024

What to Discuss When Switching from Air to Bone Conduction Hearing Aids?

Randi Tepper, AuD, CCC-A

October 11, 2021



What do you make sure to tell patients to expect who are switching from air conduction to bone conduction hearing aids?


When switching from an air conduction hearing aid or CROS to a BAHS, it is important to inform patients that they will no longer need to wear anything in their ears.  Often patients switch from an air conduction to a bone conduction device due to drainage of the ears, which could lead to infection.  Other patients may also reject the idea of the CROS when they learn that they would also be required to wear something in their normal hearing ear, which might partially occlude that ear canal, making it more difficult to hear naturally. The use of BAHS eliminates these concerns, and the patient will likely become more aware of a greater variety of sounds in their environment and hopefully will appreciate more natural, clearer speech.

This Ask the Expert is an excerpt from Setting Patient Expectations for Bone Anchored Hearing Device Users

randi tepper

Randi Tepper, AuD, CCC-A

Randi Tepper is the Supervisor of the Pediatric and Cochlear Implant Audiology Programs at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai.  Her clinical expertise resides in pediatric audiology, including confirmation of congenital and perinatal hearing loss, electrophysiologic testing, and diagnosis/treatment of hearing loss in medically complex pediatric populations.  Dr. Tepper collaborates on research addressing and identifying early indications of hearing loss in the infant/pediatric population, assisted in establishing NYEE’s atresia/microtia clinic, and was awarded an earmold grant from the Children's Hearing Institute, allowing audiologists to fit earmolds and loaner hearing aids at no cost to patients while awaiting state Early Intervention Program approval or Cochlear Implantation.  Dr. Tepper takes profound professional joy in observing pediatric patients enjoy the process of building earmold designs that match their individual personalities. 

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