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Inventis - June 2023


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Au.D. Gets Position at Major University

July 17, 2000

Just two months after receiving her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree from the University of Florida, Dr. Joilyn Bush, a NAFDA Alumni member, has been selected from a pool of candidates to head the A...   Read More

Texas Audiologists Form Texas Academy of Audiology

July 14, 2000

Texas Academy of Audiology charter members gather for a historic picture. From right, Matt Lyon, Finance Administrator, Deb Carlson, Chairman, Bill Beck, Educational Coordinator, Janet Krueger, Secret...   Read More

Au.D. Growing Faster Than Expected

July 12, 2000

The National Association of Future Doctors of Audiology (NAFDA) recently completed a study on the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) programs in the U.S. The study determined the number of students currently...   Read More

Sonic Innovations Natura Digital Hearing Aid Wins Medical Design Excellence Award

July 10, 2000

Medical Design Excellence Award recognizes product innovation, design, and engineering excellence Sonic Innovations, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNCI), the newest leader in highly customized digital hearing solutio...   Read More

NAFDA 2000 Hits Washington, D.C. in August!

July 7, 2000

The inaugural national annual convention of the National Association of Future Doctors of Audiology, , will be held in the nation's capitol, Washington, D.C., August 3-6, 2000. All NAFDA members, incl...   Read More

Symphonix Devices, Inc. Appoints New Chairman and New Member to Its Board of Directors

June 30, 2000

Symphonix Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMPX) recently announced two changes to its governing board at the company's annual meeting. President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kirk Davis has been appointed...   Read More

Siemens Introduces New Generation of ''Smart'' Hearing Aids

June 28, 2000

Siemens Introduces Signia™, the first of a new generation of digital hearing aids that process sound using artificial intelligence. Available in CIC, ITC, and BTE models, Signia is the world's f...   Read More

Ultratec Wins International Research Park Honor

June 26, 2000

The University Research Park's largest tenant, Ultratec, received the Company of the Year award from an international organization representing more than 230 university-affiliated parks. Ultratec rece...   Read More

Nucleus 24 Contour Wins Design Award!

June 22, 2000

Cochlear has won the Australian Design Award™ of the Year for a new implant technology design that has been developed for use in their latest Nucleus cochlear implant system - the Nucleus 24 Con...   Read More

AFA Appoints New Directors

June 20, 2000

Pictured from left to right are: Rich Burba, MBA, Linda Remensnyder, and Micheal Hartman, Au.D. Three new directors have been appointed to serve on the Audiology Foundation of America's (AFA) Board of...   Read More

The American Academy of Audiology Embraces Plans for Continued Growth, New Staff Leadership

June 19, 2000

With membership surpassing 7,000 and Convention 2000 proving to be the most successful show to date, the American Academy of Audiology is thriving. With these and other achievements in mind, President...   Read More

Frye Announces It's Latest Software Release, Plus Other Product News!

June 15, 2000

This version contains the improvement in attack and release measurements in the ANSI '96 test sequence, and it provides a fix for a couple of fairly obscure problems that occurred in making real ear m...   Read More

HIMSA Announces New Managing Director

June 14, 2000

Mr. Niels Munksgaard accepts the position as Managing Director of HIMSA A/S. HIMSA is pleased to announce that Mr. Scott Peterson has accepted the position as Director of HIMSA Inc., effective April 7...   Read More

Symphonix Devices, Inc. Receives CE Mark for Next Generation Vibrant® Soundbridge™

June 12, 2000

New System Incorporates Advanced Technology from Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH SAN JOSE, Calif. - Symphonix Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMPX), a San Jose, Calif.-based hearing technology company, has...   Read More

Inaugural Au.D. Class at the Arizona School of Health Sciences

June 6, 2000

Thirty three students from 20 states will log onto their first distance education class this month. Enrolled in the doctor of audiology degree (Au.D.) program at the Arizona School of Health Sciences,...   Read More

13% of ALL Audiologists Working on or Completed Au.D. by Sept. 2000

June 5, 2000

By Delbert Ault, President of NAFDA The Au.D. is quickly changing the profession of audiology, the fund of knowledge and the day-to-day practice patterns of clinical audiologists in the USA. This brie...   Read More

Siemens Introduces Practice Navigator, New Office Management Software

June 4, 2000

Siemens recently introduced its totally new office management system, Practice Navigator™. A 32-bit application built on the Sybase SQL Anywhere tm database platform that is compatible with the...   Read More

Rayovac Maintains Superiority in Hearing Aid Battery Industry

June 1, 2000

Rayovac (NYSE: ROV) continues to claim superiority over competition and is confident that recent jury findings will in no way impact the aggressive technology and marketing campaign that has made Rayo...   Read More

Siemens Announces New President, COO

May 30, 2000

Dr. Roger Radke, Managing Director of Siemens Audiologische, has announced the appointment of Paul Erickson as President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Hearing Instruments, Inc., and the promo...   Read More

Au.D. Graduate to Lead AFA

May 26, 2000

Ken Lowder, Au.D. was elected to the chair position of the Audiology Foundation of America (AFA) at the Board meeting held May 20th in Chicago. Dr. Lowder is the first Au.D. degree holder to lead a na...   Read More

Signia Pro - February 2025

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