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Inventis Maestro - July 2023

CEU Courses

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Fundamentals of Videonystagmography: Lesson 2: Spontaneous Testing, Gaze Testing, Head Shaking, and Hyperventilation
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Vishal Pawar, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39623Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
The session highlights the significance of influencing factors like gaze testing and visual fixation, which are pivotal in assessing the functional integrity of the vestibular system. Furthermore, it introduces provocative testing techniques, including the head-shaking test and hyperventilation testing, to provoke vestibular responses that might not be evident under normal conditions. Lastly, the webinar provides a comprehensive overview of vestibular nystagmus, detailing its characteristics and the diagnostic value it holds in distinguishing between various vestibular pathologies.

Fundamentals of Videonystagmography: Lesson 1: Oculomotor tests: Saccades, Smooth pursuit and Optokinetic
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Vishal Pawar, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39610Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
This event will cover the underlying reasons and mechanisms of eye movements, the different functional classes of eye movements, and the various techniques for recording them. It will also delve into VNG protocols and the analysis of Saccades, Smooth Pursuit, and Optokinetic movements to offer comprehensive insight into the diagnostics and treatment processes.

INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Soumit Dasgupta, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39611Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
This event discusses in detail the different vestibulotoxic agents, their mechanism of action, their effect, and the management of vestibulotoxicity.

Optimizing Accuracy in Fitting Pediatric Hearing Aids Using Real Ear Measures
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Alida Naudé, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39527Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar is for audiologists, pediatric healthcare practitioners, and those interested in pediatric audiology. Dr. Alida Naudé will discuss optimizing hearing aid fittings for children using Real Ear Measures (REM), covering the importance and impact of REMs on fittings. Challenges in pediatric audiology will also be addressed, along with effective resolution strategies.

Minimum Stimulus Strategy in the Diagnosis of BPPV
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Andrea Castellucci, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39433Level: Intermediate2 Hours
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common inner ear disorder, with a cumulative lifetime incidence of 10%. This course will cover the Minimum Stimulus Strategy (MSS), a nystagmus-based approach to streamline BPPV management, reducing the need for diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers and minimizing patient discomfort.

Case Studies in Real Ear Measurement (REM)
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39374Level: Intermediate1 Hour
During this session, the speaker will meticulously analyze and decode hearing aid fitting outcomes utilizing the real-ear aided response (REAR) screen, catering to a wide array of challenging hearing loss scenarios: ranging from slight/mild to severe-profound, including asymmetrical, reverse-sloping, mixed, and conductive cases, among others. This webinar is designed to be an engaging, practical, and clinically-centered learning experience, offering actionable tips that can be readily applied within your clinical practice.

Navigating Vertigo: Insights from Dubai
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Vishal Pawar, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39232Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Early and accurate diagnosis is essential for providing appropriate treatment and improving patients' quality of life. Treatment approaches can range from canalith repositioning maneuvers for BPPV to lifestyle modifications and medication for conditions like Meniere's disease. This course will discuss the incidence, diagnostic approaches, spectrum of disorders, and typical symptoms clinicians must understand to provide effective care and support to individuals with vestibular disorders, ultimately enhancing their wellbeing.

Applying World Class Sports Training Tools to the General Public
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Sheila Thelen
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39140Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Sheila Thelen, President of Vestibular Training Services and Master Rated Figure Skating Coach, applied these world-class vestibular training tools (USA Patent) in an innovation presentation on how spinning affects the vestibular system and can improve the brain’s ability to balance and cognitive processes.

Auditory and Vestibular Complications and Legalities Following Head Injuries
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Soumit Dasgupta, MD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #38836Level: Advanced2 Hours
Audiovestibular system assessment and management are crucial in head injuries to improve a person’s life. This lecture discusses the pathomechanism, epidemiology, clinical features, and management of audiovestibular injuries following head injuries and the legal perspective with the author’s own extensive case series.

Get Connected: The Benefits of Data-Transfer and Computer-Based Audiological Equipment
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc
Recorded Webinar
Course: #38837Level: Introductory1 Hour
During this session, the speaker describes how using computer-based audiological equipment can revolutionize the patient experience, as well as the practitioner's clinical workflow. The speaker also discusses strategies for optimizing older clinical equipment set-ups to facilitate data transfer in order to reduce or eliminate manual audiometric data entry.

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