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Phonak Infinio - January 2025


Read CEU articles and transcripts from experts in audiology and industry.

A New Generational Approach: Integrating Psychology and Audiology Care

Michael Hoffman, PhD

December 9, 2019

This course will present a new model of integrated psychology/audiology services that facilitates collaborative, patient-centered care. This course will also review strategies on how to counsel famili...   Read More

How to Advocate for Educational Audiology

Kym Meyer, MS, CCC-A

November 25, 2019

Educational audiology is a related service stated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (special education law), but service provision varies, depending on the area of the country. This c...   Read More


20Q: Embracing Change in Audiology Practice

Kevin Franck, PhD, MBA, CCC-A

November 18, 2019

A discussion of changes impacting the hearing industry and audiology care, and how audiologists may consider adapting their processes and practices.   Read More


Trek - Experience More

Erin Reichert, MS

November 4, 2019

Introducing Trek, Sonic’s newest Super Power and Ultra Power hearing instruments featuring the revolutionary SoundDNA platform. Join us to learn about the technology and features that make Trek a pe...   Read More

Gen What? An Audiologist's Guide to Generational Differences

Yell Inverso, AuD, PhD

October 30, 2019

This course will review research on generational differences and clarify some of the causes of generational shifts. Additionally, the course will highlight how these differences play out in Audiology...   Read More

Managing Severe Hearing Loss

Don Schum, PhD

October 28, 2019

A significant subset of patients seen in practices present with more severe hearing loss and more complex medical histories. In this seminar, the nature of severe hearing loss will be discussed along...   Read More


ADHEAR System by MED-EL: An Overview of the Research and Clinical Experiences from the Field

Amanda O'Donnell, AuD, Uta Stewart, AuD, Charlotte Douglas, AuD

October 21, 2019

This panel session presents an overview of the emerging clinical research on the ADHEAR System, the world’s first adhesive, pressure-free, non-surgical bone conduction system. Clinical experiences a...   Read More

Noise Reduction Systems in Complex Listening Situations

Michael Schulte, PhD, Matthias Latzel, PhD, Jan Heeren, Matthias Vormann, PhD

October 14, 2019

To investigate the everyday problems of hearing impaired people, it is important to look at more complex hearing situations. This course deals with the performance of different hearing aids with diffe...   Read More

20Q: Amplified Stethoscopes for Medical Practitioners

A.U. Bankaitis Smith, PhD, FAAA

October 14, 2019

A discussion of amplified stethoscopes and other solutions for medical practitioners with hearing loss in an engaging Q & A format.   Read More


The Movin' Groovin' Outer Ear

Lydia Gregoret, PhD, AuD

October 7, 2019

In this course, we’ll examine the outer ear’s compliance using data from direct ear scanning and CT scans. We’ll also discuss how compliance can inform hearing aid and earmold design and modific...   Read More

Frequency Lowering Fitting and Verification

Dave Smriga, MA

October 4, 2019

This webinar will provide an overview of frequency lowering technology and the latest fitting techniques for both determining patient candidacy and adjusting frequency lowering features for maximum ut...   Read More

Implementation of TeleCare for New Hearing Aid Users with Mild Dementia

Lindsey E. Jorgensen, AuD, PhD, Taylor Van Gerpen, BS, Thomas A. Powers, PhD, Louis Richter, PhD

September 23, 2019

This course reports on research which has studied the feasibility of using hearing-aid-assisted TeleCare for follow-up assistance for new hearing aid users who have mild cognitive impairment.   Read More

Learning Amplification with CARL: A New Patient Simulator

Susan Scollie, PhD, Robert Koch, MS

September 16, 2019

This course demonstrates the importance of simulation in clinical training and outlines specific lessons in which CARL can be incorporated in. From basic lessons introducing the components of a hearin...   Read More


20Q: Tinnitus - Developing a Practical Management Protocol

Christopher Spankovich, AuD, PhD, MPH

September 9, 2019

Key components of a tinnitus management protocol for audiologists including resources and references, written in an engaging Q & A format.   Read More


WIDEX REMOTE CARE: Comprehensive Follow-up and Fine-tuning Solutions

Susan de Bondt, AuD

August 30, 2019

This course will review the benefits and use of Widex Remote Care, a tele-health approach to virtual hearing aid follow-up services. After taking this course, clinicians will understand how to impleme...   Read More


The Power of the Demo: An Innovative Field Study Offers a New Perspective

Jennifer Schumacher, AuD, Meredith Buemi, AuD, Jennifer Groth, MA

August 26, 2019

Hearing care professionals can gain valuable insights to what their patients’ initial listening experiences might be like simply by listening to the hearing aids. In a novel experiment designed to p...   Read More


Supervision: Walking Alongside AuD Students

Jackie Clark, PhD

August 26, 2019

The educational journey an AuD student walks through is more than the didactic or clinical rotation exercise. If approached with creative forethought, the educational experience can encompass multiple...   Read More

Signia Expert Series: Competing in Today's Disruptive Audiological Environment

Amyn Amlani, PhD

August 19, 2019

Hearing healthcare is evolving at a rapid rate. Origins of this evolution stem, in part, from the recent proliferation of disruptive innovations (e.g., OTCs/PSAPs, pharmaceuticals), along with changes...   Read More

20Q: Otoacoustic Emissions - Clinical and Future Applications

Sumitrajit Dhar, PhD

August 12, 2019

A discussion of current and future applications of otoacoustic emission measures in audiology clinical practice, written in an engaging Q & A format.   Read More


Foundations of Baha Implants: Candidacy

Mary Beth O'Sullivan, MS, CCC-A

August 5, 2019

This foundational-level course is designed for audiologists who are new to working with Baha systems. After attending this course, participants will be able to determine if someone is a candidate for...   Read More

Signia Pro - February 2025

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