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Why Isn't Real Ear Verification Performed?

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1.  Kirkwood (2010) reported that approximately what percent of audiologists do not "almost always" use real ear measures when verifying hearing aid fittings?
  1. 80%
  2. 70%
  3. 75%
  4. 50%
2.  Which national organizations have published guidelines for Best Practice when fitting hearing aids for adult patients?
  1. AAS
  2. EAA
  3. ARA
  4. ASHA and AAA
3.  The SII indicates that the frequency region 1000 Hz and above contributes what percentage to overall speech intelligibility?
  1. 53%
  2. 27%
  3. 70%
  4. 46%
4.  Leavitt and Flexor (2012) reported:
  1. Programming a single channel analog hearing aid to NAL-R provided greater improvement in SNR HL compared with any of the six high-end digital hearing aids using manufacturer first-fit.
  2. Programming any of the six high-end digital hearing aids to NAL-R did not result in better SNR HL compared with using manufacturer first-fit.
  3. Programming any of the six high-end digital hearing aids to NAL-R resulted in equal SNR HL compared with using manufacturer first-fit.
  4. Programming any of the six high-end digital hearing aids to NAL-R resulted in poorer SNR HL compared with using manufacturer first-fit.
5.  Sanders et al (2015) reported:
  1. Five premium digital hearing aids using manufacturer first-fit achieved NAL-NL2 targets at input levels of 55-65 and 75 dB SPL
  2. Five premium digital hearing aids using manufacturer first-fit failed to achieve NAL-NL2 targets at input levels of 55-65 and 75 dB SPL
  3. Five premium digital hearing aids using manufacturer first-fit failed to achieve NAL-NL2 targets at input levels of 55 and 65 dB SPL, but exceeded NAL-NL2 for 75 dB SPL
  4. Five premium digital hearing aids using manufacturer first-fit exceeded NAL-NL2 at input levels of 55-65 and 75 dB SPL
6.  Valente et al (2017) reported:
  1. Programming hearing aids to NAL-NL2 revealed significantly better performance compared with using manufacturer first-fit for CNC words presented at 50, 65, and 80 dB SPL.
  2. Programming hearing aids to NAL-NL2 revealed significantly better performance compared with using manufacturer first-fit for CNC words presented at 50, 65, but not 80 dB SPL.
  3. Programming hearing aids to NAL-NL2 revealed equal performance to manufacturer first-fit for CNC words presented at 50, 65 and 80 dB SPL.
  4. Programming hearing aids to NAL-NL2 revealed poorer performance compared with using manufacturer first-fit for CNC words presented at 50, 65 and 80 dB SPL.
7.  Kochkin (2010) reported that verification was the_______ most important part of a fitting protocol leading to a successful fitting:
  1. lst
  2. 5th
  3. 4th
  4. 2nd
8.  Valente et al (2017) incorporated a double-blind randomized trial assessing differences in performance between hearing aids fit using the manufacturer first-fit versus being programmed to a valid prescriptive target. At the conclusion of the study, how many of the 24 participants stated a preference for the first-fit:
  1. 0
  2. 5
  3. half
  4. 7
9.  The British Society of Audiology required measured real ear insertion gain (REIG) to be within +/-___dB @ 250-4000 Hz:
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 8
  4. 20
10.  The AAA Code of Ethics includes "maintaining high standards of professional competence". Therefore, some have suggested that NOT performing real ear measures as part of a hearing aid fitting may be:
  1. illegal
  2. unconstitutional
  3. unethical
  4. all of the above

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