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Exam Preview

Maximizing Outcomes for Children in Schools: The Responsibility of Clinical Audiologists

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1.  Adults need the signal to be about twice as loud as background sounds. Children need the desired signal to be _________in order to receive intelligible speech.
  1. Equal to background noise
  2. 5 dB quieter than background noise
  3. Five times as loud as background noise
  4. Ten times as loud as background noise
2.  The negative effects of poor classroom acoustics include all except:
  1. Misunderstanding verbal instruction
  2. Artistic temperament
  3. Missing verbal information
  4. Fatigue
3.  The Advantage of using the "Speech String Bean" in counseling families and school personnel includes all except:
  1. Visual example demonstrating what a child is hearing and what she is missing with and without technology
  2. Useful for planning auditory therapy by identifying phonemes that are not perceived
  3. Helpful in counseling families, children, therapists and school personnel
  4. Substitutes for real-ear measures
4.  For the brain to receive sufficient auditory information for the acquisition of knowledge, the child needs all except:
  1. A quiet environment
  2. Technology that is appropriately fit
  3. A large, airy classroom environment
  4. Clear speech with little distortion
5.  What are the ways to manage, improve and control the signal-to-noise ratio in a classroom?
  1. Strategic seating and use of remote microphone technology
  2. Preferential seating and closing doors and windows
  3. Seated with better ear toward the teacher
  4. Turning on all lights in an open-plan classroom
6.  Responsibilities of an audiologist in schools includes all except:
  1. Educating school staff about the effects of HL on language, learning, literacy and social development
  2. Recommending and monitoring remote microphone technologies
  3. Monitoring classroom acoustics
  4. Assessing academic progress in math and science
7.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) insures all the following except:
  1. Assuring that communication for students with HL must be as effective as for others
  2. Routine checking of hearing aids and components
  3. Providing appropriate services affording an equal opportunity for the student with hearing loss to obtain the same results, gain the same benefit and reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others
  4. Participating and enjoying benefits of districts services, programs and activities
8.  "IDEA" means:
  1. Individuals with Ear Disabilities Act
  2. Individualized Development of Educational Access
  3. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  4. Individuals with Delayed Educational Opportunities
9.  Which of the following is NOT included in IDEA regulations for children who are deaf or hard of hearing?
  1. Assuring the installation of elevators in school buildings
  2. Routine checking of hearing aids and external components of surgically implanted devices to ensure that they are functioning properly
  3. Evaluation of a child's needs including functional evaluation of the child
  4. Use of technology to maximize access to the general education curriculum
10.  The role of the family can include all except:
  1. Knowing what is happening at school
  2. Being responsible for teaching the IEP Team about hearing loss and the child's technology
  3. Making sure the child's equipment is working and worn all waking hours
  4. Taking the child for audiologic and other evaluations as needed

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