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Exam Preview

Clinical Evidence Supporting OpenSound Navigator in Children with Hearing Loss

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1.  What are the three modules of OpenSound Navigator?
  1. Assess, Navigate, Noise Reduction
  2. Analyze, Balance, Noise Removal
  3. Scan, Sweep, Balance
  4. Ask, Label, Assign
2.  Which of the following are key assumptions made by traditional directional microphone systems?
  1. The speaker of interest is always in front of the listener
  2. Noise is always diffuse
  3. The listener is always facing away from the speaker of interest
  4. All of the above
3.  Which is an example of steady-state noise?
  1. Interfering talkers at a small cafe
  2. HVAC system noise
  3. 2-talker Babble noise
  4. All of the above
4.  Which module of OpenSound Navigator is described here: This module scans the entire environment, 360 degrees, and labels what is “speech” and what is “noise”
  1. Analyze
  2. Balance
  3. Noise Removal
  4. None of the above
5.  Based on the outcomes of Browning et. Al, what happens when OpenSound Navigator detects speech in the environment?
  1. It cancels speech if it’s coming from behind the hearing device user
  2. It amplifies speech, only if it’s coming from the front
  3. It keeps speech audible, regardless of the direction
  4. None of the above

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