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Exam Preview

The Ill-Effects of Restaurant Noise on Older Adults: The Problem Is Worse Than We Think

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1.  When a person raises their voice above background noise, it is an example of which of the following?
  1. SNR loss
  2. Occlusion Effect
  3. Lombard Effect
  4. Cocktail Party Effect
2.  Research discussed in this course was conducted at which university?
  1. Northwestern University
  2. University of Illinois
  3. Cambridge
  4. University of Iowa
3.  The challenge associated with following and understanding conversations in noise is an example of which of the following?
  1. Cocktail Party Effect
  2. Occlusion Effect
  3. Lombard Effect
  4. Doppler Effect
4.  Which statement is TRUE?
  1. As noise levels increase people are willing to spend less time and money in a restaurant
  2. As noise levels increase people continue to speak at the same vocal intensity
  3. As noise levels increase people are willing to spend more time and money in a restaurant because it’s more fun
  4. Older people do about the same as younger adults in noisy places
5.  Which of the following is a TRUE statement based on research reviewed in this course?
  1. Younger people are willing to pay more as the noise increases
  2. People with normal hearing are better at tolerating higher levels of noise
  3. Older people are willing to pay more as the noise increases
  4. Hearing loss has no impact on willingness to pay or willingness to stay data

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