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Exam Preview

Ototoxicity: A Problem of Interacting Variables

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1.  Which of the following ototoxic chemicals is a pharmaceutical?
  1. Jet fuel
  2. Cisplatin
  3. Toluene
  4. Xylene
2.  Which of the following best describes a potentiating effect?
  1. A disease state with no ototoxicity combined with an ototoxin that produces mild ototoxicity results in severe ototoxicity
  2. A disease state with mild ototoxicity combined with an ototoxin that produces mild ototoxicity results in severe ototoxicity
  3. A disease state with severe ototoxicity combined with an ototoxin that produces severe ototoxicity results in severe ototoxicity
  4. A disease state with no ototoxicity combined with an ototoxin that produces no ototoxicity results in severe ototoxicity
3.  What does the access hypothesis assume?
  1. Chemicals are not responsible for ototoxicity
  2. Chemicals do not enter the inner ear
  3. Ototoxicity is not an inner ear problem
  4. A chemical enters the inner ear to cause ototoxicity
4.  Which of the following will interact with a suspected ototoxin to result in ototoxicity?
  1. Positive cognitive executive functions
  2. Cognitive attention
  3. Noise exposure
  4. Social cognition
5.  Which of the following can potentiate ototoxicity?
  1. Oculotoxicity
  2. Nephrotoxicity
  3. Dermalotoxicity
  4. Migraine

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