An Interview with Cindy Olsen, AuD Private Practice Owner in Boise, Idaho for 25 years
AudiologyOnline: Tell me about yourself and your practice?

Cindy Olsen, AuD: I have a private practice audiology and hearing aid center in Boise, Idaho I started in 1999. It is a single location with two full-time providers. We are busy and I love what I do. It’s very rewarding to help people have better hearing.
AudiologyOnline: Why did you choose this profession?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: I love the science part of audiology. It seemed to come easy to me in high school and college. And I realized I wanted to do something in healthcare. My grandmother, who was a registered nurse, was a very special person in my life and had a strong influence on me. She was just beloved by everyone who came to her to solve their problems. She was like the local emergency room, and I really wanted to help people like my grandmother helped people. Audiology is just the perfect mix of both for me.
AudiologyOnline: As a business owner, what’s the biggest challenge you face right now?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: One challenge is just remaining fully staffed. We have more turnover now than we have had in the past. It seems like it’s not just healthcare, but business and commerce in general. People seem to change jobs more often. They move more and are quiet quitters. We’ve had the whole gamut, but the challenges are to remain fully staffed, train my staff and make sure we are all doing best practices and the best job we can to take care of our patients and customers.
AudiologyOnline: What are some opportunities you’re excited about?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: It’s pretty exciting how technology keeps evolving. We have better and better products to help people, solutions for their daily difficulties with conversations at home, in their occupations and their social lives. Hearing devices that we have now are just absolutely incredible. It’s really fun to help people have better hearing because I know what I’m fitting, what I’m recommending and how I’m treating people is making a difference.
AudiologyOnline: Why do you offer patient financing in your practice?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: It really helps people to have a way to pay. It makes it easier, mentally, to agree to a large dollar amount when they’re purchasing hearing devices. It’s really helpful to say, “We accept the CareCredit credit card that offers promotional financing which may help you fit care into your budget.” That’s very intriguing for people and a lot take advantage of it. It helps to know we’re able to work with their financial considerations and may be able to break down the total amount into smaller payments. When they see the estimated monthly payment they say, “oh this is very doable.”
AudiologyOnline: Which patient financing option do you accept?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: We decided to accept the CareCredit credit card because they have great promotional financing options for our patients. So, this payment option helps them manage their costs so they won’t have to pay for it all upfront and they can work it into their monthly budget.
AudiologyOnline: What are the biggest benefits for the practice?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: As a business owner I need to make sure that I can meet my obligations financially. I have to pay my staff, my utilities, contribute to health insurance plans and retirement accounts. I need to have the cash flow to be able to be a good employer and to take care of my business so it’s healthy and thriving and can be here next year, and the year after that, and the year after that to take care of my patients. Being able to have cash flow and get paid within two business days when I fit the devices is really awesome with the CareCredit credit card.
AudiologyOnline: What are the biggest benefits for the patient?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: The CareCredit healthcare credit card is really beneficial to people because they are able to get the help they want and need right away and then pay over time.
AudiologyOnline: When do you introduce CareCredit to your patients?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: I introduce CareCredit at my initial case history meeting with a new patient. I’ll ask them about what their concerns are, what their history is and go over a little protocol with that. I tell them what the test is going to involve, how we’re going to evaluate their hearing and the results. And if it looks like they have a hearing loss that can be treated then we talk about treatment plans. I show them an overview of different types of technology and different price ranges and immediately say, “We have payment options.” So before I even do the hearing evaluation, they’re aware of CareCredit. Many times, they’ll bring it up later when we’re having a more detailed discussion about pricing, or I’ll bring it up again at that time. But I do it at the very beginning of the patient experience.
AudiologyOnline: What would you consider an outstanding day?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: I’ve had an outstanding day when I can look back and say, “Oh my gosh. These people came in. They had difficulties. We were able to evaluate what’s happening and find solutions for them and they want the help that we have to offer. That we have the skills, the training and the expertise. And they say “YES!” They want us to help them. I really like that part of audiology.
AudiologyOnline: Anything else you would like to add in closing?
Cindy Olsen, AuD: It’s really important to have financing options for patients in the practice because it really helps them be able to get the hearing help they want and need. People have things that come up that they weren’t expecting. Big expenses. “Oh, I just had to put a roof on my house last month.” And when I say, “Oh, no worries. We have a payment plan with promotional financing.” Then they are really excited for that option. And it just helps them to move forward and get the treatment that they want and need.
For more information about CareCredit, please visit