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Interview with Kathy Landau-Goodman M.S., Nominee, President-Elect, Academy of Dispensing Audiologists

Kathy Landau-Goodman, MS

September 19, 2000


AO/Beck: Hi Kathy. Thanks for your time this evening. I'd like to learn a little about your education, your experience and your thoughts on the ADA.

Landau-Goodman: Hi Doug. It is my pleasure. In 1979 I received my master's degrees in audiology and speech/language pathology from Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital in Philadelphia. I was employed by Moss Rehabilitation Hospital for 5 years prior to opening my private practice in 1984. I was the 2nd audiologist in Philadelphia to start a private practice. I learned about private practice the hard way, by trial and error, and I made lots of errors until I became a member of ADA, which really helped me grow my practice. There is a lot of networking and sharing of information between audiologists in different parts of the country.

AO/Beck: How many offices do you have?

Landau-Goodman: We have five offices and five audiologists. We provide audiology services to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and life care communities and industries.

AO/Beck: That's a large variety of services! I also understand that you're working on your Au.D. - tell me about that please.

Landau-Goodman: I am enrolled in the Central Michigan University distance learning program. I started in March of 1999 with the Beta group. I'm hoping to graduate in August of 2001. I have one more course to complete after this semester, then I take my comprehensive exams and complete my capstone experience.

AO/Beck: That is fantastic - having just graduated myself I know what an incredible workload that is. I think it's great that you're pursuing the Au.D. I wish you luck in your studies. Please tell me about your experience with ADA. How long have you been involved?

Landau-Goodman: First, congratulations to you on becoming an Au.D. I've been an ADA member for over ten years. I was elected to serve two, three-year terms on the Board of Directors, from 1993 to 1999. I have represented ADA on the Board of Directors of the Audiology Awareness Campaign from 1994 until the present.

AO/Beck: Are you currently on the Board of Directors?

Landau-Goodman: No, I completed my second term in December 1999, however, as I mentioned, I am still representing ADA on the AAC Board of Directors.

AO/Beck: Kathy, tell me about your perception of and vision for ADA?

Landau-Goodman: ADA has been the primary organization to address the front line issues of the profession. ADA mentors and fosters the development of entrepreneurial audiologists. It has always been the place for those interested in private practice, the dispensing of hearing instruments, and for entrepreneurs. Our reputation is that we are the 'movers and shakers' leading the profession. The programming at our conventions reflects the needs and wants of our members. ADA is committed to identifying programs, products, and services useful to the practicing audiologist. Private practitioners look to the ADA to help take care of their professional and business needs. ADA is well positioned to make things happen for dispensing audiologists due to our size and dedicated and active membership. My vision is for a unified profession of Au.D.s caring for America's hearing.

AO/Beck: If you win the election and become the president -elect of the ADA, where would you take the ADA?

Landau-Goodman: I would like to help further promote audiology awareness. Educating consumers, physicians, and legislators that audiologists are the professionals to provide the highest quality hearing care. I would like to further the efforts of audiologists to become LLPs (limited licensed practitioners) with direct billing without physician referrals. Continued work with governmental agencies like HCFA for maximum reimbursement and direct access. Other areas to work on include audiologists being able to bill for hospital inpatients and outpatients and Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for cerumen management. I believe we can summarize many of these points by stating that my goal is to focus on professional autonomy while reflecting the needs of our membership.

AO/Beck: How is ADA different from AAA or ASHA?

Landau-Goodman: ADA is focused on audiology only, unlike ASHA. We are a smaller organization than AAA and ASHA and our focus is primarily on patient management. ADA is uniquely positioned to serve the needs of the entrepreneurial audiologist. ADA's focus is on the dispensing audiologist, private practitioner and the business of audiology.

AO/Beck: How do you see disposable hearing aids impacting the profession?

Landau-Goodman: I see disposables and starter devices as an opportunity for dispensing audiologists. These devices will help to get patients/consumers in our offices, probably many who were not quite ready to seek hearing help or at least custom type devices. I think we'll be seeing more people seeking services resulting from disposables and starter devices and in the end, that's good for all of us.

AO/Beck: Tell me about the Audiology Awareness Campaign.

Landau-Goodman: The AAC is a not-for-profit foundation. Our mission is to educate the public about hearing care. Our focus is on prevention of hearing loss, early diagnosis, and prompt treatment. The AAC is involved in a multi-media effort to help promote these goals and to help establish the role of the audiologist for the consumers. The participating organizations within the AAC include: ADA, AAA, MAA, ARA, and EAA. It is a unified and coordinated effort and a privilege for me to serve as the Chair.

AO/Beck: What other unique characteristics do you possess which would be beneficial to the ADA if you were the president-elect?

Landau-Goodman: I have experience in leadership roles. Again, as I just mentioned, I am the chair of the AAC. I have experience organizing and developing working partnerships between organizations to accomplish mutual goals (make audiology a household word). Some of my activities have included filing for 501C3 status, hiring consultants- strategic planners, fund-raising consulting firms, and PR firms. I have helped coordinate our web-site and our toll-free phone number, edit our consumer education booklet, and oversee fundraising including the development of our hearing aid check off program. We have targeted NASCAR events this year. I was fortunate to have participated in TV and newspaper interviews and arranged for local audiologists to do the same to help promote the profession and the goals of the AAC.
I was a founding board member of the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology- Vice President of Professional Issues. I have been involved politically for the profession as well. I was fortunate to be part of the interview process for the AAA lobbying firm and the ADA lobbying firm. I've met with Senators and Congressmen on the hill to discuss and promote audiology issues. I think caring for the profession is important but being a leader who can make a difference in the profession is critical. In short, I have been able to set goals and follow them through to completion.

AO/Beck: I know you were just awarded the Dan F. Konkle Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology for Outstanding achievements in the profession on a national and state level. I want to congratulate you on that accomplishment.

Landau-Goodman: Thank you; it was truly an honor to receive it.

AO/Beck: Kathy, I know you've written articles for the ADA Feedback Journal, could you please give me the names of a few of the articles and the dates of publication so the readers can look these up as needed?

Landau-Goodman: Sure. I try to write an Audiology Awareness Campaign update in each issue of Feedback Magazine. The most recent was 'Public Relations Effort Continues to be On The Right Track' Feedback, Vol.11 No.2 2000 pp 45-46.
Others include: 'The Audiology Awareness Campaign's NASCAR Kickoff is a Huge Success!' Feedback, Vol.10, No.4, 1999, p.45. 'AAC in Action', Vol.10, No.1, 1999 pp 35-37 (includes a copy of presidential message about our campaign from President Clinton written for the previous ADA convention).

AO/Beck: Kathy, thanks for spending a little time with us this evening. I wish you continued success in the service of the patients and the profession and in your private practice too.

Landau-Goodman: Thanks Doug. I appreciate the opportunity to address the readers of Audiology Online.

CareCredit Better Hearing - October 2024

Kathy Landau-Goodman, MS

Nominee, President-Elect, Academy of Dispensing Audiologists

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