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Interview with Marshall Chasin Audiologist, and author of 'Hear The Music - Hearing Loss Prevention for Musicians'

Marshall Chasin, AuD

January 14, 2002

AO/Beck: Hi Marshall, thanks for spending a little time with me today.

Chasin: Hi Doug, great to be here.

AO/Beck: Before we get to the book, I'd like to let the readers know a little about your history and position. Tell me if I get this correct....You are the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians' Clinics Of Canada in Toronto, and you're the Coordinator of Research at the Canadian Hearing Society?

Chasin: Yes, that sounds about right. I'm also an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, and also at the University of Western Ontario.

AO/Beck: Very good. Then I think we can assume you not only get involved with nuts and bolts research of the auditory system, but you also see patients?

Chasin: Yes, absolutely. I have a real passion for music and I do see a variety of patients daily, many of them are professional musicians. I've been working with musicians for about 20 years.

AO/Beck: And that led you to write the book titled Hear the Music, hearing Loss Prevention for Musicians?

Chasin: Yes, the book is a natural extension of my daily clinical work.

AO/Beck. Marshall, who published the book?

Chasin: I actually self-published it, which makes it very affordable. In fact, it's a bit like the music industry in that respect, the CDs made in the home are lot less money than the ones sold by the record companies! That's true with paper publishing too. Self publishing is a lot of work and energy, but the end product is quite good, and the price is a fraction of what it would otherwise be.

AO/Beck: And my understanding is the book is available in the USA via Westone. The audiologist and other hearing healthcare professionals can click here to order. I should mention that Westone is discounting the book and they have a great deal on it. Marshall, why did you write the book?

Chasin: Doug, as you know, I wrote a previous book on a similar topic titled Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss back in 1996, through Singular Publishing. That book was really technically oriented and it was written primarily for the audiologist, with some things that might be directly important for the musicians. The new book is written for the musician, addressing their immediate concerns, solutions to the their problems and lots of good, basic information about hearing, hearing loss, and how to protect your ears while still enjoying and creating music!

AO/Beck: Someone recently told me that the book goes beyond just recommending earplugs, and in fact, it addresses the whole musical environment.

Chasin: Yes, I agree with that. There's a lot more to protecting your ears than just ear plugs. Ear plugs are great, but there's a lot more available.

AO/Beck: What instruments do you address in the book?

Chasin: In addition to guitar, bass and drums, which probably impacts the majority of musicians, the book also details cautions and management strategies for woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings and other players too.

AO/Beck: I think most, if not all musicians have heard time and time again don't listen to loud music, does that warning work?

Chasin: No, it really doesn't. The book doesn't say don't listen to loud music. The book acknowledges that musicians do, and will continue to listen to music loudly, and the book explains how to do that safely, or as safely as is possible. In other words, we know that people are going to go to loud rock concerts, and that's fine. I point out in the book, if you go to a loud concert one evening, don't use a loud lawnmower the next day. In fact, you can go to a concert every week, as long as you use management strategies to minimize the injury and damage done to the ears.

AO/Beck: How is the book organized?

Chasin: Chapters 1, 2, and 3 are written as an overview of everything the musician needs to know about their ears and hearing. Chapters 4 and 5 offer much the same information as the earlier chapters, but these are more geared to the garage band guys. Chapter 4 includes fact sheets on specific instruments. Chapter 5 is in the FAQ format, which is very easy to go through. There's also a little bit about the physics of sound, smoking and hearing, and other neat things that impact hearing too. We have some good basic information on IN EAR monitors, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and lots of other topics too.

AO/Beck: Marshall, for the folks who will want to get in touch with you, what's the best way to do that?

Chasin: The best way to contact me is by email to Additionally, as you kindly mentioned, the book can be obtained by professionals by clicking here.

AO/Beck: Marshall, it's always a pleasure speaking with you. Thanks for your time and best of luck with the new book.

Chasin: Thanks Doug. Good luck to you too.
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marshall chasin

Marshall Chasin, AuD

Director of Auditory Research at Musicians' Clinics of Canada

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