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Inventis Maestro - September 2024

ACI Alliance Announces Dr. Jill B. Firszt as 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient


Washington, D.C., March 12, 2024 — Dr. Jill B. Firszt will receive the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACI Alliance) 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award at the Opening Session of the CI2024 Vancouver conference on July 11, 2024. The Lifetime Achievement award recognizes the contributions over the whole of a career and for the work and accomplishments of the individual being recognized.

Dr. Firszt is an audiologist and researcher who is a Professor in Audiology and Communication Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. She is the Director of both the Cochlear Implant Program and the Firszt Laboratory, intertwining clinical care with research. Dr. Firszt has served as Principal Investigator on two multicenter, FDA approved, NIH-funded studies—one of the few individuals in the field to have done so. The importance of her work was recognized early on as she was one of the first clinician-scientists in the United States to provide cochlear implants for patients with Asymmetric Hearing Loss or Single Sided Deafness.

Dr. FirsztShe has also played a significant role in ACI Alliance as an organization, serving on the Founder’s Board and as the first Treasurer of the Board of Directors, as well as presenting on her work at ACI Alliance’s first cochlear implant conference in 2013.

Dr. Firszt will be presenting a keynote address at CI2024 Vancouver on “Cochlear Implantation of Individuals with Asymmetric Hearing Loss and Single Sided Deafness: Results, Expectations and Gaps in Knowledge.”

For more information on the Lifetime Achievement Award visit:

For more information on CI2024 Vancouver visit:

ACI Alliance is a not-for-profit membership organization created with the purpose of eliminating barriers to cochlear implantation by sponsoring research, driving heightened awareness, and advocating for improved access to cochlear implants for patients of all ages across the US.

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