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American Cochlear Implant Alliance Announces CI2020 International Online


ACI Alliance, in collaboration with AudiologyOnline and, offers online conference on expanding indications in cochlear implantation

Washington D.C. (March 20, 2020). The ACI Alliance is excited to announce CI2020 International Online in partnership with AudiologyOnline and This online conference is intended to provide an important learning opportunity around the theme of expanding indications in cochlear implantation. CI2020 International Online will continue the energy and share the timely clinical research that the international cochlear implant community had planned to share in Orlando at CI2020 International. We hope you will join us! 

ACI Alliance and CI 2020 logo

When will the conference be offered? How will I access it?

ACI Alliance is working with our UNC Scientific Committee and our CI sponsors to finalize the program and begin recording presentations. We plan to publish the program in early to mid-April and expect that it will be available to view by late April. You will be able to access the presentations at any time. You can watch part of the program and then come and you can watch courses in any order you choose. 

Conference access will be via registration on AudiologyOnline (free access to view conference, $99 for an annual membership/CEU access) or via registration on ($99 CEU subscription required to view as well as to earn CEUs). We will soon publicize the program and the logistics of watching on our website,

Captioning will be offered to ensure full access.

What topics will be covered?

We will select content from the CI2020 scientific program that would have been presented in Orlando and ask that presenters record their podium talks in a video format on AudiologyOnline with powerpoint, audio, and video components. The conference theme of “Expanding Indications in Cochlear Implantation” will be emphasized. We will also include three hours of content from the CI manufacturer satellite portions of the program. Each of our cochlear implant sponsors will have a one-hour presentation.

Is there a cost to participate?

We are offering free access to CI2020 International Online to anyone on AudiologyOnline; access is not limited to ACI Alliance members. The conference will be open access, and free to view.

We welcome those from around the globe to join us. 

Will CEUs be offered?

Yes! CEUs will be offered from ASHA, American Academy of Audiology, and AG Bell. If participants would like CEUs, they will need to become members of AudiologyOnline or for $99 per year. These online learning sites will offer CEU access to the conference as well as to the hundreds of other courses in their libraries. AudiologyOnline courses are designed for audiologists and hearing aid dispensers; courses are designed for speech-language pathologists. 

Certificates of completion are also available through these sites. There is also the opportunity to earn CEUs from other associations that are part of the AudiologyOnline platform, including several from outside of the US. We regret that we are unable to offer CME for this program.

Who should attend?

The online conference is intended for all who would have attended CI2020 International in Orlando and work with children and/or adults with cochlear implants, as well as those who conduct CI research. This includes CI audiologists, surgeons, speech-language pathologists, educators, psychologists, others in clinical settings, as well as scientists in the field. The conference will also be of interest to hearing health professionals outside of the CI field who want to learn more about CI candidacy and outcomes. The audience is global and since the courses can be taken at any time, it provides a convenient learning tool for those who live in different time zones and with limited financial resources for continuing education.

Join us! 

We are grateful to our sponsors that support our awareness and educational outreach: Advanced Bionics, Cochlear, and Med-El. We are also appreciative of our tech-savvy partners at AudiologyOnline, who thought of the importance of this online conference option at precisely the same moment we did.  We are honored to have the opportunity to encourage cochlear implant learning around the globe during this challenging time when in-person educational opportunities are so limited. Visit for conference updates and information.

Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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