Eden Prairie, MN – Grason-Stadler (GSI), a worldwide leader in audiometric equipment, has released a new clinical EP/OAE device, the GSI Audera ProTM. The Audera Pro performs all standard evoked potential tests. Depending on the modality license, ASSR (auditory steady state responses) and OAE (otoacoustic emissions) can also be performed. The Audera Pro is the next generation of the well-known GSI AuderaTM. It comes with significant updates to support the demands of any busy practice.

Some of the featured new tests include: P300/MMN, ASSR Binaural testing, TEOAE, and Speech Stimuli for ABR. The hardware has been updated to provide a smaller footprint, an integrated pre-amplifier, lightweight cables, and the GSI OAE probe. Modules of the Audera Pro feature predefined protocols and normative data. On-screen options allow for changes in real time. Customized protocols may be added to meet individual testing needs. Audera Pro comes standard with CE-Chirp and CE-Chirp Octave Band stimuli, which have shown wave V amplitudes that are up to two times larger than traditional click and tone burst stimuli for threshold estimation. The system also has modern waveform analysis tools such as Area Ratio for ECochG, application of digital filters, the ability to split alternating waveforms into rarefaction and condensation components, cross correlation of waveforms, and automatic SNR (Signal-to- Noise Ratio) and RN (Residual Noise) calculation.
Reporting is clear and concise, allowing test results to be easily organized and combined. All test modules on the Audera Pro feature data organization designed with efficiency in mind. This includes multiple pages available in a single report to include ABR, ASSR, and OAE data.
The Audera Pro is the perfect choice for clinics to comprehensively evaluate, identify, document, and diagnose auditory and vestibular disorders on all patient populations.
To learn more about this new versatile device from GSI visit grason-stadler.com.