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Phonak Infinio - Unlock a world of possibilities

New Phonak web site designed and developed by a Phonak hearing aid user


(Stäfa / Zurich - 2001) - The Phonak web site has been completely redesigned by Jonathan Möller (Jojo) the severely hearing impaired co-founder of one of Europe's most successful e-service companies, Smartmedia in Zürich/Berlin.

The new site is geared to meet the specific needs of a wide range of users including hearing professionals, end consumers, and the general public seeking more information and advice on general hearing issues. There is a focus on interactivity aimed at providing quality, well-structured information in an easy to use way. includes a new section dedicated to hearing professionals covering areas such as product data base with search functions, interactive glossary and site search, all data sheets of products, as well as all the latest information on Phonak products and fitting guides. There is also a specific section on Pediatrics which is highly relevant to both hearing professionals and parents alike. The new media centre and a tour of the Phonak headquarters also give additional information.

26 year old Jojo has played a key role in the development of the site, not only from a strategic point of view, but also from an end-consumer perspective . 'My personal experience allowed me to give a lot of input on content for For instance, people with a hearing loss do not want to be bombarded with pictures that only feature 70 year-olds with hearing instruments. That doesn't reflect reality. Using hearing instruments means access to quality of life which is far better reflected by scenes where a broad mix of people are just having a good time.'

Jojo has worn Phonak hearing instruments since the age of two. 'The instruments make a huge difference.They enable me to communicate effectively in both professional and social situations, and to lead a very active life.'

The Phonak Group, based in Stäfa, Switzerland, is a global leader in the development, production and distribution of high-tech hearing systems and employs over 2,000 staff worldwide. The company has its own sales and distribution companies in 17 countries around the world. Phonak Communications SA, part of Phonak Holding and based in Murten, Switzerland specialises in the development and manufacture of cordless communication devices such as the Phonito, as well as the FM technology used in combination with hearing instruments. Total sales of the Phonak Group in the 2000/01 financial year (ending 31 March 2001) amounted to over CHF 460 million and the company is ranked in the FT Europe 500.

For more information on Phonak click here.

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