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Read CEU articles and transcripts from experts in audiology and industry.

Undiagnosed Pre-Existing Hearing Loss in Alzheimer's Disease Patients?

Max Stanley Chartrand, PhD, BC-HIS

October 3, 2005

Hearing impairment is an invisible handicap, yet its effects upon one's personal health, happiness, and personal well-being are very real." Vignette: The adult children of 87 year-old Anna Smith were...   Read More

Clinical Assessment of Speech Perception for Infants and Toddlers

Laurie S. Eisenberg, PhD, Karen C. Johnson, PhD, Amy S. Martinez, MA

September 12, 2005

Early onset of hearing loss can impose substantial delays in communication and psychosocial development unless immediate and appropriate intervention is undertaken. The most obvious consequence of pre...   Read More


Staying in the Loop: When Hearing Aids Are Not Enough

Christine Diles, AuD, William Diles, MA

August 22, 2005

Editor's Note: Dr. Diles wrote the article below for our consumer website ( However, as it was so useful for so many patients, we are making it available here, with Dr. Diles'...   Read More


Office Management Software - 101

Michael K. Huskey

August 15, 2005

Digital technologies and the integration of computers into administrative functions, diagnostics and fitting protocols offer tremendous advantages over previous methods. Technology has changed the way...   Read More

Discrimination of English Vowels by Bilingual Spanish/English Adults and Children

Sandra Levey

August 8, 2005

Lehman College of the City University of New York, Bronx, New York Email address: The discrimination of English vowel contrasts in real and novel words by 101 bilingual Sp...   Read More

Automatic Follow-up Appointments: Issues in 2005

Robert C. Fifer, PhD

August 1, 2005

Editor's note: I urge ALL clinicians to read and review this article as soon as possible as it will potentially impact the management of every patient you see. I would like to personally express my gr...   Read More

Sensory Memory and the Mismatch Negativity

N. Kartik, Aditee A Khaladkar, C. S. Vanaja

July 25, 2005

N.Kartik, Postgraduate student (Audiology), All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, University of Mysore, Mysore, India, Khaladkar Ashok Aditee, Postgraduate student (Audiology),...   Read More

Book Excerpt from Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human

Michael Chorost

July 18, 2005

Editor's Note: This is a very unusual event for us. We have not previously published an excerpt from an autobiography. Despite my own personal 21 years of experience researching and working with patie...   Read More

Audiology in the Year 2010

Virginia Ramachandran, AuD, PhD

July 4, 2005

Virginia Ramachandran Au.D. Student, Class of 2008 Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan Editor's note: This paper was one of the excellent "runner-up" submissions received for the 2005 NAFDA-AO wr...   Read More

The Hearing Technology Predisposition Assessment (HTPA)

Marcia J. Scherer, Larry Medwetsky, Robert Frisina

June 27, 2005

Marcia J. Scherer, Ph.D., MPH, FACRM Institute for Matching Person & Technology Webster, NY Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester...   Read More


Effectiveness of Hearing Aid Manipulation Training for Elderly Hearing Aid Users

Max Stanley Chartrand, PhD, BC-HIS

June 27, 2005

Maintaining independence and control over one's life is an increasingly important issue as we age. Appropriate hearing aid and related amplification contributes to independence and control. Using a Li...   Read More


On Being an Audiologist in 2010

Denby Fukuda

June 20, 2005

NAFDA member Denby Fukuda of Hawaii, has submitted the winning "Audiology Online-NAFDA Student Writing Contest Winner of 2005." Ms. Fukuda will receive a check from AudiologyOnline in the amount of $5...   Read More

Hearing Aid "Sticker Shock" and Things to Consider When Purchasing

Steve Barber

June 20, 2005

We've all heard about the guy that knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing? It turns out the price of things is not always linked to some intrinsic value, their materials or their size...   Read More

Personal Digital Assistants in Clinical Practice: Considerations & Suggestions

George L. Charpied

June 13, 2005

Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center Boston, Massachusettes The personal digital assistant (PDA)...   Read More

APD, ADD, ADHD and AD/HD: Personal and Scientific Reflections

Katherine A. O'Neill

June 6, 2005

I'm not a stranger to research or behavioral conditions based in physiology. I am the mother of a 9 year old child with an auditory processing disorder, and I have a Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology....   Read More


Identifying "Neuro-reflexes" of the External Ear Canal

Max Stanley Chartrand, PhD, BC-HIS

May 30, 2005

This study addresses measures and methods for identifying three under-recognized neuroreflexes of the external ear canal. These three neuro-reflexes are related to hearing instrument dispensing practi...   Read More

Speech Burst and Click Evoked ABR

Aditee A Khaladkar, N. Kartik, C. S. Vanaja

May 23, 2005

Aditee Ashok Khaladkar, Postgraduate student (Audiology), Department of Audiology, All India institute of Speech and Hearing, Naimisham campus, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570006. N.Ka...   Read More


A Practice Conundrum: E-waste Disposal

Paul Popp, PhD, BC-HIS, MCAP

May 23, 2005

Computers and related information technologies (workstations, scanners, printers, docking stations, personal digital assistants, hand-held diagnostic and screening tools, cell phones, servers, etc.) a...   Read More

An Exercise in Futility: Frustrations of a Hearing Conservationist (An Historical Review and Summary of Hearing Conservation Issues)

David M. Lipscomb, PhD

May 16, 2005

Of all industrial injuries, occupational hearing loss is entirely preventable." Dr. Joseph Sataloff Over the years, it has been the author's responsibility to consult with federal agencies; to establi...   Read More

The Road Back

Doug Metz

May 9, 2005

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1996. I searched for experts to help me recover from the loss of balance, facial function, eye function, hearing, reduced stamina and overall lesser motivation fo...   Read More


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