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Sonic Radiant - January 2021


Read CEU articles and transcripts from experts in audiology and industry.

Diagnosis: It's More Than Medical, It's Scientific

Maurice Miller

September 4, 2000

On page 8 of your September, 1999 issue, Michael Maves, M.D., executive vice-president of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, is quoted as to who is qualified to make a ''d...   Read More


Middle Ear Implants

Marshall Chasin, AuD

August 28, 2000

Middle Ear Implants (MEIs) are useful for those with a purely sensorineural hearing loss. Historically, the first clinically available MEIs (by Drs. Suzuki and Yanagihara in Japan) were those with unr...   Read More


Five Myths in Assessing the Effects of Noise on Hearing

William W. Clark, PhD

August 28, 2000

This short essay is a compilation of statements commonly used by audiologists or others with some expertise related to the effects of noise on hearing. Like most things in life, there is a kernel of t...   Read More


Audiological Diagnosis: The Need To Establish Ourselves

Ross Roeser, PhD

August 22, 2000

In the January/February issue of Audiology Today my colleagues Drs. David Lipscomb and Michael Seidemann and I discussed the role of audiologists in the ''diagnosis'' of hearing impairment (Roeser, Li...   Read More


Directional Microphone Patterns: They also have disadvantages

Stephen C. Thompson, PhD

August 21, 2000

Much has been written recently on the advantages to the hearing aid user of an aid having a directional microphone response: A directional aid can make it easier for the user to hear in noisy environm...   Read More

Advertising Myopia

Tom J. Northey

August 21, 2000

In today's world of slogan saturation, discount dementia, special offers, free gifts and the never ending 'SALE SALE SALE', the private practice audiologist can often wonder if there is any real, meas...   Read More

Integrating Physiologic Technologies for Hearing Evaluation in Infants and Small Children: An Overview.

Michelle R. Petrak, PhD, CCC-A

August 16, 2000

Everyday in the United States, 33 babies are born with severe to profound hearing loss (1-3 in 1,000 births). It is estimated that another 33 babies are born everyday with mild to moderate hearing los...   Read More


The Value of Valuations

Mike Fisher, MBA

August 10, 2000

Our first article in this series discussed various types of business reorganization and expansion models, including mergers, acquisitions, horizontal and vertical integration, and takeovers. The discu...   Read More

A Note from the Youngest to the Oldest (in Class)

Kevin P. Ruggle

August 8, 2000

I learned a great deal in my first course at the Arizona School of Health Sciences this June. In the inaugural class we had 33 students and at least that many personalities! I learned that at 33 years...   Read More

Central Auditory Processing in Clinical Practice

Teri James Bellis, PhD, Barbara Beck, MA, CCC-A

August 7, 2000

Teri James Bellis, Ph.D. Department of Communication Disorders University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD Barbara Roe Beck, M.A. Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Saint Louis Universit...   Read More

Production and the Closing Rate

Mike Fisher, MBA, Tom J. Northey

August 2, 2000

You can really sum up the 'nuts and bolts' of an audiology practice in one word -- production. The term 'production' is well known in the physician's world. It is the bottom line that drives the exist...   Read More

Don't Roll-Over For Roll-Ups

Tom J. Northey, Mike Fisher, MBA

July 12, 2000

You have likely heard the terms ''merger'', ''acquisition'', ''joint venture'', ''vertical'' and ''horizontal integration'' and ''takeover''. Additionally, there has been a proliferation across all in...   Read More

Hot Summers, or Thoughts on Ear Impression Technique

Chester Pirzanski, BSc, Pete Russell

July 11, 2000

Hi guys! Summer's here, the beer is cold. Better still, the weekend is just ahead. Well then, why is it all so boring? Aliens haven't invaded Earth (yet). Not even one flying saucer has been spotted!...   Read More

Issues in Cerumen Management

Rita Chaiken, MMS

June 19, 2000

Periodically, the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists (ADA) conducts Cerumen Management Workshops. We invite local physicians to speak for approximately one hour regarding anomalies and conditions of t...   Read More


The Au.D. - Why I Earned It, and What It's Done For Me

Steven D. Sederholm

June 15, 2000

On May 6, 2000 I ended what for me was a 12 year journey in pursuit of the doctoral title. Since the 1988 Academy of Dispensing Audiologists (ADA) convention, I have anxiously awaited the day my colle...   Read More

Perspectives on the Au.D.

Kenneth Lowder, AuD

June 9, 2000

My name is Dr. Ken Lowder. I am fifty-seven years old. I was a speech pathologist for thirteen years and have now been a private practice audiologist for almost twenty years. I am a graduate of the Un...   Read More

Infection Control in Audiology

Robert J. Kemp, MBA, A.U. Bankaitis, PhD, FAAA

June 4, 2000

Infection control is an important health care issue that affects many facets of clinical practice. Audiologists must be diligent in their effort to control the spread of infectious disease within the...   Read More


My Au.D. Experience

Samira Anderson

June 2, 2000

Good morning, I'm Dr. Anderson, the Audiologist''. Since May 8, 2000, I have had the privilege of introducing myself as ''Dr. Anderson''. On that day I graduated from the University of Florida with a...   Read More

AuD Update: Stats and Facts

Delbert Ault, AuD

May 30, 2000

The Au.D. is quickly changing the profession of audiology, the fund of knowledge and the day-to-day practice patterns of clinical audiologists in the USA. This brief article will outline the status of...   Read More

Auditory-Oral Education: Teaching Deaf Children To Talk

Jean S. Moog

May 17, 2000

It is my belief that an auditory-oral approach to education teaches deaf children to use their residual hearing in combination with speech reading and contextual cues to better comprehend and use spok...   Read More


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