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Ask The Experts

Q&A from the most trusted names in audiology.

Search results for "Hearing Conservation and NIHL" in Ask the Experts

How does Phonak Serenity Choice™ Plus Expand the Reach of the Hearing Healthcare Professional Beyond Traditional Hearing Aids?

Natalie Nelson, AuD

August 9, 2021

How does Phonak Serenity Choice™ Plus expand the reach of the hearing healthcare professional beyond traditional hearing aids?   Read More

How Does Hearing Protection Help A Hearing Care Professional Support the Patient’s Hearing Journey?

Nicole Klutz, AuD

April 15, 2021

How does hearing protection help a hearing care professional support the patient’s hearing journey?   Read More

What is the Starkey Hearing Foundation's Listen Carefully Initiative?

Dave Fabry, PhD, Taylor Joseph

July 20, 2015

I’m seeing more and more kids in my practice with hearing loss from noise. How does Starkey Hearing Foundation’s Listening Carefully initiative address this alarming issue?   Read More

Billing Codes for Hearing Protection Devices

Robert C. Fifer, PhD

May 7, 2012

Is there a CPT code or insurance code for hearing protection devices such as Magnum Ear for hunters? The Magnum Ear does provide some amplification but that is not its primary purpose.   Read More


Promoting Hearing Conservation

Jenny Groth, MA

January 23, 2012

How can hearing professionals promote hearing conservation in their communities?   Read More


Abnormal Baseline Audiogram

David M. Lipscomb, PhD

June 14, 2010

What is the employer required to do if the first baseline audiogram comes back abnormal?   Read More


In Ear Monitors: Wired or Wireless?

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

March 22, 2010

I was approached by a band that is looking for In Ear monitors for on stage performances. What are the pros and cons of wired v. wireless systems?   Read More

Billing for Services - Ear Protection & Musicians' Earplugs

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

February 22, 2010

Can you bill insurance for verifying ear protection such as musicians' earplugs?   Read More


Noise Exposure Associated with Small Aircraft

Richard Neitzel, MS, PhD

February 15, 2010

I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of any articles or research that outline the risks associated with hearing or ear health when flying, especially on small aircraft. The organisat...   Read More

iPhone Sound Level Meter Apps

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

January 11, 2010

What sound level meter applications for iPhone do you recommend?   Read More

Affordable Hearing Protection and Recommendations for My Son's Band

Benjamin Kanters, Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

November 23, 2009

My son is in high school and starting a band, and they don't have a lot of money to spend on expensive equipment. As an audiologist, I'm concerned for the band members' hearing. What options do they h...   Read More


Audiology Services for Musicians

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

October 26, 2009

I have been fitting ear protection to musicians in my practice, and would like to grow this part of my business. Any advice?   Read More

Hearing Loss Simulations and Counseling

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

August 10, 2009

In counseling musicians about hearing conservation and noise induced hearing loss, have you found hearing loss simulators to be useful?   Read More


Noise Risk from Power Hearing Aids

Brian Fligor, ScD, CCC-A

May 18, 2009

I have always wondered how hearing aids with MPO greater than 90 dB are being used for more than 8 hours a day and are allowed to be dispensed. How is it that power or moderately powered aids can exce...   Read More


Ear Impressions for In-Ear Monitor (IEM) Systems

Keith Gordon

February 23, 2009

Is making ear impressions for in ear monitors (IEMs) different than making ear impressions for hearing aids?   Read More


In Ear Monitors: Custom or Universal?

Keith Gordon

January 5, 2009

What are the pros and cons of custom v. universal in ear monitors for musicians?   Read More

Hearing Protection Devices and Hearing Aids

Laurie Wells, AuD, FAAA

December 8, 2008

Can you discuss the use of hearing protection devices for employees that are already wearing hearing aids?   Read More


Altering Noise Sources to Protect Construction Workers

Richard Neitzel, MS, PhD

November 17, 2008

What is the best way to alter the source of noise in the construction industry in order to effectively protect workers?   Read More

In Ear Monitors for Musicians

Keith Gordon

November 10, 2008

I am seeing more and more musicians in my practice, and they often ask about in ear monitor (IEM) systems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these systems over traditional floor monitors?   Read More

References on Occupationally-Related Hearing Loss

Laurie Wells, AuD, FAAA

October 20, 2008

What data, consensus papers or other evidence are available to help audiologists make judgments about occupationally-related hearing loss?   Read More


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